| - Prince Gasket was the first-built son of King Mondo and Queen Machina, and also the older brother of Prince Sprocket and Princess Circuitrina. He fell in love with Archerina, daughter of Mondo's potential ally, King Aradon. Knowing their marriage would never be (entirely) approved of by Archerina's father, the two of them eloped. He is the father of Prince Gear. When news of Mondo's death reached him, Gasket returned to take care of his mother and siblings, depose of the interloper Louie Kaboom and take his rightful place as the Machine King (with his wife as the Machine Queen).
| - Prince Gasket was the first-built son of King Mondo and Queen Machina, and also the older brother of Prince Sprocket and Princess Circuitrina. He fell in love with Archerina, daughter of Mondo's potential ally, King Aradon. Knowing their marriage would never be (entirely) approved of by Archerina's father, the two of them eloped. He is the father of Prince Gear. When news of Mondo's death reached him, Gasket returned to take care of his mother and siblings, depose of the interloper Louie Kaboom and take his rightful place as the Machine King (with his wife as the Machine Queen). Gasket notably brainwashed Alpha 5, Zeo Ranger VI and Prince of Edenoi, into temporarily thinking that he was the King of the Machine Empire and that the other Rangers were his enemies. Another time, he trapped the people of Earth in a time loop, forcing them to relive the same day over and over so that he could observe the best way to attack them. Unfortunately for Gasket, Alpha knew there was a time loop thanks to Gasket's earlier tampering with his electronic brain and was able to use that knowledge to put a stop to the plan. When Mondo was rebuilt and returned, Gasket and Archerina fled temporarily. At the end of Countdown to Destruction, he and Archerina are purified in the Z-Wave.