| - 321 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Placu Komuny Paryskiej na Aleję Reymonta.
- El trescientos veintiuno (321) es el número natural que sigue al 320 y precede al 322. Categoría:Números
- Alone in the Old House parlour, Willie realizes Barnabas is planning on taking action after learning Maggie Evans' memory has returned. Indeed, Maggie has become too great a threat to the vampire's existence and must be killed tonight. Sam rushes into the room, and Maggie relates her encounter with Sarah. She feels as though Sarah were trying to warn her of something. Both Sam and Maggie puzzle over the mysterious Sarah. Julia decides to go to the Old House alone and talk sense into Barnabas. At the Old House, the time has come for Barnabas to make his move against Maggie.
- Diana soll Mittelpunkt eines Sportmagazins werden. Simone sieht das Anliegen als Weg, Diana zurück in ihr Alltagsleben zu holen. Hält Diana dem Druck stand? Marian und Nadja beziehen ihre neue Wohnung. Einzig Marians Skepsis gegenüber der homosexuellen Beziehung seines Sohnes wirft einen Schatten auf das Glück. Als Nadja für eine Aussprache zwischen Roman und Marian sorgt, scheint sich auch deren angespannter Umgang endlich zu normalisieren. Eine perfekte Idylle - bis ein unheilvoller Besucher auftaucht... Irritiert durch das seltsame Verhalten Lena, will Annette erneut mit ihrer Schwester reden. Auf der Suche nach ihr stößt Annette auf mehrere Puzzleteile, die nach einem Zusammentreffen von Maximilian und Lena urplötzlich einen Sinn geben. Annette stellt Lena zur Rede und erfährt entsetzt
| - 321 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Placu Komuny Paryskiej na Aleję Reymonta.
- Diana soll Mittelpunkt eines Sportmagazins werden. Simone sieht das Anliegen als Weg, Diana zurück in ihr Alltagsleben zu holen. Hält Diana dem Druck stand? Marian und Nadja beziehen ihre neue Wohnung. Einzig Marians Skepsis gegenüber der homosexuellen Beziehung seines Sohnes wirft einen Schatten auf das Glück. Als Nadja für eine Aussprache zwischen Roman und Marian sorgt, scheint sich auch deren angespannter Umgang endlich zu normalisieren. Eine perfekte Idylle - bis ein unheilvoller Besucher auftaucht... Irritiert durch das seltsame Verhalten Lena, will Annette erneut mit ihrer Schwester reden. Auf der Suche nach ihr stößt Annette auf mehrere Puzzleteile, die nach einem Zusammentreffen von Maximilian und Lena urplötzlich einen Sinn geben. Annette stellt Lena zur Rede und erfährt entsetzt von ihrem Seitensprung mit Maximilian. Wird Annette Ingo die Wahrheit sagen?
- Alone in the Old House parlour, Willie realizes Barnabas is planning on taking action after learning Maggie Evans' memory has returned. Indeed, Maggie has become too great a threat to the vampire's existence and must be killed tonight. Willie pleads with Barnabas not to murder Maggie, else his secret might be uncovered. But Barnabas will not be dissuaded. Just then, Dr Julia Hoffman returns from the cellar, ready to administer an injection of her serum to Barnabas. She is pleased the vampire has calmed himself over what she believes are unfounded rumors of Maggie's memory returning. Barnabas continues to play along, unwilling to alert Julia of his true intentions. Meanwhile, across Collinsport at the Evans cottage, Sam Evans checks on his daughter, who assures her father that she isn't afraid. Maggie, anxious for her ordeal to be over, hopes the Collinsport Strangler will make an attempt on her life in order for Sheriff Patterson's deputies (who are secreted around the house) to finally catch her abductor. Sam reminds her how well protected she is before bidding Maggie goodnight. As Maggie settles down to read, Sarah Collins appears outside her bedroom. Maggie drifts off to sleep, dropping her book in the process. Sarah, appearing within Maggie's room, retrieves it for her and wakes her. Maggie, both happy and surprised to see the little girl, marvels at how Sarah entered her locked room. Maggie starts to get her father, but Sarah insists on leaving if anyone else comes into the room. Sarah says she had a feeling that Maggie needed her, and she becomes upset when she learns Maggie loaned her doll to Dr. Dave Woodard. The little girl stresses how important it is that Maggie keep the doll with her. It is time for Sarah to go; Maggie hurries to call Sam, but Sarah has already disappeared. Sam rushes into the room, and Maggie relates her encounter with Sarah. She feels as though Sarah were trying to warn her of something. Both Sam and Maggie puzzle over the mysterious Sarah. Elsewhere, Willie meets Julia outside Collinwood and warns her of Barnabas' plan to kill Maggie. Despite her protests, Julia eventually believes him and realizes she must do something to stop Barnabas before it is too late. Julia decides to go to the Old House alone and talk sense into Barnabas. Back at the Evans cottage, Sam has searched for Sarah without success. Indeed, even the deputies have seen absolutely nothing. Joe Haskell has been called, agreeing to collect Sarah's doll from Dr Woodard and bring it to Maggie. The possibility of the Collinsport Strangler infiltrating the house as easily as Sarah has done causes both Sam and Maggie concern. Outside, dogs start to howl. At the Old House, the time has come for Barnabas to make his move against Maggie.
- El trescientos veintiuno (321) es el número natural que sigue al 320 y precede al 322. Categoría:Números