When Amplify is cast, the target gains a 20 bonus to Listen checks.
School: Image:Star.png Pip Cost: 0 Accuracy: 100% Type: Image:Charm.png Description: additional 15% Image:Damage.png to all spells for 4 rounds Received From: Star School Trainer in Celestia Base Camp Requirements: Required Character Level: 52 Spells:
* None
* Fortify Prerequisite for: Spells: Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
Amplify (Japanese: ぞうおん Amplified Sound) is an ability created by Radio RebelRadio Rebel for Generation VI.
[[Category:]] Amplify was a simple alteration spell used to alter the volume of sound. This spell was created by the famed wizard Darsson Spellmaker.
Description: The caster or a target gains a +20 bonus to listen checks.
Amplify is a skill in the Hell Fire skill tree of the Mage class. Damage increase with only an MP cost as a fee. Self-explanatory.