* <a href="http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/issues/showquestion.asp?fldAuto=3879">http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/issues/showquestion.asp?fldAuto=3879</a> plot summary at uncannyxmen.net
* The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators - accessed on 04/16/2010
* A second printing gold metallic ink cover exists.
* The cover is an homage to the cover of Avengers #145 .
* The story shown in the takes place in between the panels of this issue.
* The is the first full appearance of Cable as an adult. His first appearance as an infant is in .
*Stryfe and the The Mutant Liberation Front are formally introduced. Stryfe's face is revealed in .
* [[W:C:marvel:Danielle Moonstar