| - The tribe was descended from the ancient Rubber Tree People of the Central American jungle. According to ancient myth, the Sky Spirits from above created the first Rubber People in their own image and led the way to a sacred land where the Rubber People would live for eternity. This story had a basis in truth: the Rubber Tree People traced their lineage to the Inheritors, the Humans honored by the Sky Spirits, which turned out to be ancient alien visitors, with certain genetic gifts. Their ancient language, also shared with their cousins in Central America, appeared almost unchanged from that of the Sky Spirits.
| - The tribe was descended from the ancient Rubber Tree People of the Central American jungle. According to ancient myth, the Sky Spirits from above created the first Rubber People in their own image and led the way to a sacred land where the Rubber People would live for eternity. This story had a basis in truth: the Rubber Tree People traced their lineage to the Inheritors, the Humans honored by the Sky Spirits, which turned out to be ancient alien visitors, with certain genetic gifts. Their ancient language, also shared with their cousins in Central America, appeared almost unchanged from that of the Sky Spirits. The exact origins of the tribe were obscure until, during the 24th century, Kolopak spent some years tracking down the origins of his tribe, and his son Chakotay later had the opportunity to meet the Sky Spirits on their homeworld in the Delta Quadrant. (VOY: "Tattoo") Some centuries before the 24th century, many women of the tribe were raped by white conquerors. The tribe did not reject the children born from this, but accepted them into the tribe. One of these, Ce Acatl, became a great leader. (VOY: "Basics, Part I") By the 24th century, the tribe had a presence on a colony near the Cardassian border. This group was opined to have refused to accept the 24th century, at least as compared to other tribes. (VOY: "Tattoo")