| - Anoobas sono predatori aggressivi nativi di Tatooine. Possono essere cacciatori opportunisti o semplici spazzini, con i loro potenti canini attaccano prede più piccole di loro, ma se sono in branco possono abbattere Rontos, Eopies, e creature simili. Categoria:Specie non senzienti
- [Source] Les Anoobas sont des prédateurs originaire des déserts de Tatooine et présent dans toute la Bordure Extérieure. Ils sont appréciés par les chasseurs de primes comme Embo, qui possède un Anooba nommé Marrok.
- Anoobas are non-sapient predators native to Tatooine. Medium-sized quadrupeds with a long tail and strong, almost beak-like jaws, these creatures live in packs and are very opportunistic, hunting both small and big fauna, and feeding on carcasses as well. The species has been unintentionally introduced to planet Coruscant.
- Anoobas were large, canine animals native to Tatooine known for their sense of smell and extremely aggressive nature which made them difficult to fully tame. A single blade like beak descended from the creatures jaw allowing it to break through flesh and bone.
- Anoobas were creatures that lived throughout the Outer Rim Territories. Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian and member of the Ghost rebel crew, painted an Anooba insignia on her armor. The bounty hunter Embo owned an anooba named Marrok. Wild anoobas traveled in packs of 10-12 members.