The Fieseler Fi 156 Storch was a German light reconnaissance aircraft used during World War II.
While Hans-Ulrich Rudel was stationed near Philippeville, he grew frustrated being stuck on the ground without any missions to fly. He managed to talk himself onto a Fieseler Storch for a reconnaissance flight. Sgt. Albert Dieselhorst accompanied him as a rear gunner. Rudel was impressed with the manoeuvrability of the aircraft, comparing it to flying a dragonfly. Dieselhorst also enjoyed himself and fired a defiant burst from his machine gun when they were fired upon by French ground troops.
The Fieseler Fi 156 Storch (English: Stork) was a small German liaison aircraft built by Fieseler before and during World War II. Production continued in other countries into the 1950s for the private market. It remains famous to this day for its excellent STOL performance; French-built later variants often appear at air shows.