This series is set 100 years in the future and the story revolves around Goku's great-great-grandson, Ganon, and his quest to search for the ancient Dragon Balls. The Namekians and other aliens are still alive in this era, but the Saiyans are in a brink of extinction. Other characters that play a monumental role in the series are: Montezulma, who ironically is Vegeta's great-great-grandson; Azul, a Sayian-Namekian hybrid; June; Carian; Professor Wills; Kue; Titan; Melody, Ganon's mother, and Goku Jr., Ganon's father. The dragon balls, the same yellow, red-star balls return as well Shenron; Goku and Vegeta returns as ghostly forces; they and Shenron are the only characters that have appear in most Dragon Ball series.
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| - This series is set 100 years in the future and the story revolves around Goku's great-great-grandson, Ganon, and his quest to search for the ancient Dragon Balls. The Namekians and other aliens are still alive in this era, but the Saiyans are in a brink of extinction. Other characters that play a monumental role in the series are: Montezulma, who ironically is Vegeta's great-great-grandson; Azul, a Sayian-Namekian hybrid; June; Carian; Professor Wills; Kue; Titan; Melody, Ganon's mother, and Goku Jr., Ganon's father. The dragon balls, the same yellow, red-star balls return as well Shenron; Goku and Vegeta returns as ghostly forces; they and Shenron are the only characters that have appear in most Dragon Ball series.
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| - This series is set 100 years in the future and the story revolves around Goku's great-great-grandson, Ganon, and his quest to search for the ancient Dragon Balls. The Namekians and other aliens are still alive in this era, but the Saiyans are in a brink of extinction. Other characters that play a monumental role in the series are: Montezulma, who ironically is Vegeta's great-great-grandson; Azul, a Sayian-Namekian hybrid; June; Carian; Professor Wills; Kue; Titan; Melody, Ganon's mother, and Goku Jr., Ganon's father. The dragon balls, the same yellow, red-star balls return as well Shenron; Goku and Vegeta returns as ghostly forces; they and Shenron are the only characters that have appear in most Dragon Ball series. The series will continue under Dragon Ball Advanced Wars.