| - Dwayna is the goddess of life and air. She is the matron goddess of Monks (particularly Healing Monks), Aeromancers and Leadership and Motivation Paragons, and is considered the leader of the old gods.
- While the world holds the Favor of the Gods you can summon the avatar of Dwayna and speak to her to get the following quests (details within each quest):
* Family Ties (at Sardelac Sanitarium)
* Wisdom of the Druids (at Druid's Overlook) This inscription can be found on the Statue of Dwayna: Although some believe this to be a description of the meeting between King Doric and the Gods of Tyria, the date on the scriptures contradicts this, and may be referring to a separate Doric and a separate encounter with Dwayna. (See note below) Dwayna is depicted in her statues as a tall winged woman. Her statue has several disconnected components. If the world has favor, the pieces are held in place in midair to form her statue. When the world doesn't have favor, the pieces of her statue lie strewn on the pedestal. In Elona, in Gandara, the Moon Fortress, Dwayna appears as an angelic woman with long hair, with her back to the painting and apparently nude.