| - Krailos is a tribal nation, divided into several different clans. Leader of a tribe is usually the strongest male ogre . The chieftain is supported by an ogre-shaman. If the shaman is female, the two are often, but not necessarily, a couple. The chieftain is responsible for all decisions concerning the hunt and martial matters while the shaman is responsible for all affairs spiritual and social. Within a tribe, there may be a couple of opposing individuals against the current chieftain, but overt struggles for leadership are rather uncommon. Each tribe is independent of the others, and conflicts between two tribes occur frequently. However, the greatest threat to the ogres actually is the desiccation of the lakes and rivers. But the current chieftains are too preoccupied with their tribal conflicts to seek solutions for this issue.
- Built upon the violent battles and wrongdoings of its past, Krailos is now among the most unconnected countries in its corner of the world, characterised by bitter struggles and a harsh environment. The ogres' hunting skills and physical strength are among their current greatest benefits; and the mountains of Krailos hold some rare minerals. On the other hand, Krailos lacks a lot in infrastructure and clean water.
- A kind of spiritual shamanic animism holds a certain importance in the ogres' lives and each tribe’s shamans are always renowned members of the society. The common ogres are moderately spiritual and have rites of passage and annual rites concerning the seasons and certain weather phenomena. Ogres worhip The Great Hunger, a kind of spirit being they believe will eat up the entire world if not fed regularly. Therefore they often perform rites of sacrifice to feed this entity. Otherwise, ogres care only for the here-and-now.
- The ogres are simple, warlike people, more interested in a fight and good food than in politics. Elimination of competitors is an accepted way of moving up in the ogre ranks. Ogres like conflict. They are impulsive, quick to anger and do not hold back their opinions regardless of who might take offense. Ogres prefer to solve conflicts through combat rather than words. Yet, an honorable death is not the highest purpose in an ogre’s life, but rather a fulfilled life, which primarily means enough food and a comfortable hut. Ogres are distrustful towards strangers and tend to welcome them with avoidance in the best case. Lately yet, a tribe called the Bloody Skulls has shown a sort of interest in trade with other peoples.
- Contrary to common prejudices, ogres are at least a little more than mindless brutes. They possess a talent for animism and have certain artisanal skills. For example they have developed passable methods of curing and tanning hides, so their leatherwork is quite convenient. Despite their great passion for eating the ogres don’t have a reputation as outstanding cooks as their meals seldom match other peoples’ taste. Ogres eat especially meat – of hunted animals but also the meat of humanoids, mainly humans and elves. This is the reason they also are referred to as “maneaters”. It is important to mention that they never give in to cannibalism. Besides meat they also love sweet tasting things, such as honey combs or cakes, although they don’t get the latter too often.
- Upon Ogre Society - An ethnological essay, by Larek the Wayfarer