| - Como resultado de 600 años de selección, esta variedad aparece en el siglo XVIII, barajándose dos lugares de procedencia: Corea o China, llegando posteriormente a Japón donde los ojos se invirtieron hacia arriba.
- Celestials are beings native to the celestial plane. They include angels, demons, Relievers, Imps, Gremlins, and Familiars. Some say that celestials are descended from ethereal beings, or in fact are ethereal beings with some unique abilities; this theory is not popular in either Heaven or Hell, but is commonly believed in the ethereal Marches.
- The following were the known types of celestials: Angels Angels were immortal beings empowered by the gods whom they served. Not all angels were good, however. Celestial archons Natives of Celestia, the celestial archons (not to be confused with elemental archons) were personifications of law and good. Eladrin A race of Tel'Quessir commonly mistaken for angelic beings, eladrin were commonly found in the Feywild and on Toril, as well as Arvandor and the Gates of the Moon. Most eladrin were chaotic good. Guardinals The animal-featured guardinals were powerful immortals of neutral good alignment native to the Deep Wilds.
- Specializing in Healing abilities, Celestial is the game's eleventh power. __TOC__
- The Celestials are powerful and enigmatic extra-dimensional beings who held an interest in the planet Gaea.
- They appear in the region of Craglorn where the Celestial Warrior leads an army of ancient Yokudans in the west, while the Celestial Mage commands a torrent of atronachs defiling the land in the east. The Serpent and the Thief are two other known Celestials involved in Craglorn's main questline.
- Hover AC design constructed to maximize both speed and mobility. The unit equips a variety of weapons that enable multi-range combat.
- Este es el villano principal de la serie Ben 10: Máximo Poder el cual es enviando por Aggregor para destruir a Ben Tennyson
- Celestial is an omnipotent deity, and the "creator" of light and darkness. In this users fandom, he is the reigning deity of the mortal realm, also known as the "Neutral Realm".
- Celestials are outsiders of wholly good alignment and hail from the Upper Planes. There are four types of celestials: Angels, archons, eladrins, and guardinals. The highest ranking ones are "celestial paragons," unique beings with a power on par with the demon princes and archdevils. Planetouched descendants of celestials are known as Aasimar.
- She appears in the episode "New Girl in Town", where she attempts to seduce Captain Ryan into giving her secret codes. Ryan disintegrates her almost immediately, though he mourns her death and keeps her smoky boots as a memento.
- The prefix "Celestial", when used in the Factions campaign, indicates a link with the spirits of Cantha. Some of these spirits are so powerful that they have almost divine status, below the gods. Many powerful spirits of Cantha have strong affiliations with the sky and the stars, hence the name. Canthans see spirits in at least some of the star constellations and zodiac signs. Examples:
* Celestial creatures (spirits)
* (esp. weapons)
* Humans sometimes apply the term celestial to more mundane things, such as the Celestial Ministry.
- Os celestiais são entidades bondosas que quase sempre habitam os Reinos dos Deuses, mas às vezes podem ser chamados a Arton por um Taumaturgista.
- Celestial is the language spoken by the archons of the plane of Shavarath. In addition, some of the archons' eternal enemies, the demons and the devils, may also speak the language of Celestial.
- You control powerful dimensional energies with a dual purpose. Under you direction these energies can be used to harm or to heal. Many of your powers can be used to both visit destruction upon your enemies and heal your allies.
- Celestial is a prefix for Magic Items. It is directed towards physical fighters, and makes them more effective against Demons. It is the strongest magic item modifier that gives bonuses versus Demons; however, it can only be found on magic items, not Rare Items.
- Los Celestiales son una especie omnipotente nativa del Fuerte de la Creación.
- Celestial é uma cidade em Nova Belmont, capital do Estado de Atlântica. Nessa cidade concentram-se grupos religiosos e esotéricos dos mais variados, de onde ser apelidade de "cidade mística neobelmontesa".
- Die Celestials waren eine uralte Rasse von gottgleichen Wesen, die schon lange Zeit vor den Dunkelelfen oder den Asen existierten.
- As an aircraft name, Celestial may be:
* Clipper Celstial - Boeing 377 c/n 15925 operated by Pan Am
- Celestial is the tavern keeper of The Bloody Pub during the time of Ultima IV. Senora tells the Stranger that barkeep knows of the Sextant and, if he is tipped well, he will tell the Stranger; For navigation a Sextant is vital... Ask for item "D" in the Guild shops!
- "Celestial", known as "Heavenly Halo" (天(てん)輪(りん) Tenrin) in the Japanese version, is an archetype of cards used by Rex Goodwin in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's manga.
- Celestials are physically impossible, and could not exist in the real world. For instance, they are not strong enough to support their own weight. Haruhi releases her anger through them. It is the duty of an esper from 'the Agency' to remove the celestials, which they do by "slicing" them to bits with their powers. When this happens, closed space vanishes. After meeting Sasaki, Haruhi began creating numerous areas of closed space again, complete with celestials. Sasaki also has the ability to generate closed space, but hers never manifests celestials.
- To start using Celestial in game, type -ce console command for Mith's Virtual Console. Celestial is the common tongue of the Celestial Planes, of Angels, Archons, Eladrin and Guardinals. Any priest or holy warrior who deals regularly with creatures of the Celestial Planes will learn this tongue as a means of communicating with these Celestials. Of course also humanoids with Celestial blood in them know this language. In short, Celestial is a common tongue of good. On Arelith this language is known by:
* Aasimar
* Good aligned Clerics
* Paladins
* Shifters
- They would occasionally come to characters and speak as the voice of conscience.
- El origen de los Celestiales es en gran parte desconocido. Son considerados una de las culturas más antiguas y poderosas de la galaxia, y son conocidos por sus construcciones espaciales masivas. Aunque se sabe muy poco sobre ellos, algunos objetos suyos llevaron a algunos a pensar que no eran de esta galaxia.
- The Celestial Class Long Range Exploration Vessel is an expansion on the classic Galaxy Class design that was first put into action during the late 24th century. This vessel shared many of the same components and requirements as its sisters classes, the Galaxy and Envoy, which made it easier to construct given its massive size. Its power and size make it ideal for fleet support but it is more commonly used on diplomatic mission, and the rescue of refugees from various colonies. Exact specifications on the Celestial Class are as follows: Fore weapons: 4 Aft weapons: 3 1000 Crew
- The Celestial is an advanced version of the Stone Guardian based off High Templar technologies. Created by Ziggurats, the construct appears as a giant crystal Archon throwing concentrated psionic storms similar to Tempests. On impact the energy spheres explode with three times the force of a regular storm. This is enough to scatter tightly packed enemy infantry or launch tons of heavily armored machines several feet into the air. A Celestial hovers like an Archon, so it can move across gaps as if flying. Special abilities:
- Los Celestiales (天人 tennin; traducido como Personas del Cielo) fueron antiguamente humanos ermitaños que pueden ser divididos en dos clases: aquellos que ganaron la inmortalidad y ascendieron al cielo, y aquellos que lograron la iluminación y llegaron al Nirvana. A diferencia de los humanos que llevan una vida difícil en la tierra, ellos viven despreocupadamente disfrutando de música, pescando y jugando juegos. Ellos usualmente descienden a la tierra para decir cosas absurdas que dan problemas a los humanos normales y luego retornan al cielo. Los cuerpos de los Celestiales son veneno para los youkai y las bestias les temen. Ellos también pueden volar y cabalgar sobre las nubes dándoles una tenebrosa apariencia como un dios.
- The origin of the Celestials was unknown: Thuruht, the oldest of the Killik hives, claimed to remember seeing the Ones, a group of Force wielders apparently related to the Celestials, coalescing out of a geyser on an unnamed tropical planet more than a million years before the events of the Clone Wars. It should be noted that the collective memory of a Killik hive does not make distinctions between fact and fiction like the human mind—any individual memory joined to that of the collective, be it mythology, incontestable fact, or the plot of a holodrama, is history to the Killiks.
- Most souls are created and sent immediately into incarnation, taking their identity from the experiences of successive lifetimes. In other words, a soul who incarnates as human for the first time is a human soul, a soul who incarnates for the first time as a dragon is a dragon soul. An angel soul who incarnates for the first time as a dragon is still an angel. Celestials are souls created for specific purposes, who incarnate less often, and tend to remember more than others when they do. Under the celestial heading are angels, demons, possibly faeries, and maybe even gods, among others.
- Celestiais (天人, ten'nin ) são ex-humanos, eremitas que podem ser divididos em duas classes: aqueles que ganharam a imortalidade e subiram ao céu, e aqueles que alcançaram a iluminação e chegaram ao Nirvana. Ao contrário dos seres humanos que têm vidas difíceis diárias na Terra, eles vivem de uma forma despreocupada desfrutando de músicas, pesca e jogos. Eles costumam descer à terra para dizer coisas absurdas que afligem os seres humanos comuns e depois voltam para o Céu. O corpo dos celestiais é veneno para youkais, e bestas ficam admirados por eles. Eles também podem voar e andar nas nuvens, dando-lhes uma assustadora aparência divina.