The rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" is a random artifact. It has stats of (+15, 4d8+10) [-2, +0], is a dragon slayer and grants resistance to stunning. In its unidentified form, it is indistinguishable from regular eternium halberds.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" is a random artifact. It has stats of (+15, 4d8+10) [-2, +0], is a dragon slayer and grants resistance to stunning. In its unidentified form, it is indistinguishable from regular eternium halberds.
- Legend has it the lance of Duke Beligulf Fearnought was plunged into the maw of the dragon Malifex just as it was about to spout a great torrent of flame. It is said to have absorbed the power of the dragon's breath and, by uttering the name of the slain dragon, the mounted wielder may unleash this fire at will.[1a]
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| - ------- uncursed rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" [-2, +0]------
It is an artifact.
When wielded it modifies DV by -2 and PV by +0.
When used in melee combat it grants a +15 bonus to hit and causes 4d8+10 points
of damage. When used as a missile it grants a -1 bonus to hit and causes 5d4+9
points of damage.
It is a dragon slayer.
It grants resistance to stunning.
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| - Damage-wise, it is the equal of a regular eternium halberd, which is quite decent, but not generally enough to completely counter the inability to use a shield, unless used against dragon creatures. Many powerful enemies, including one orb guardian, belong to this group, making Wyrmlance quite valuable if it is found in time. Though if it is to be used against such powerful foes, making them unable to fight back while you slice upon their skulls is definitely a good idea.
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| - The rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" is a random artifact. It has stats of [-2, +0], is a dragon slayer and grants resistance to stunning.
In its unidentified form, it is indistinguishable from regular eternium halberds.
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| - It can be obtained in the same manner as all random artifacts, including precrowning and loot.
| - The rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" is a random artifact. It has stats of (+15, 4d8+10) [-2, +0], is a dragon slayer and grants resistance to stunning. In its unidentified form, it is indistinguishable from regular eternium halberds.
- Legend has it the lance of Duke Beligulf Fearnought was plunged into the maw of the dragon Malifex just as it was about to spout a great torrent of flame. It is said to have absorbed the power of the dragon's breath and, by uttering the name of the slain dragon, the mounted wielder may unleash this fire at will.[1a]