| - Palmer is the father of Amanda Woodward. He raised Amanda on his own due to the absence of her mother, Hillary Michaels. However, he himself was shown to be distant at times during Amanda's upbringing, often putting romantic pursuits and various other matters ahead of his daughter. During Amanda's adulthood, Palmer was portrayed as a businessman involved in criminal activity. Eventually, the FBI recruited Amanda's boyfriend, Jake Hanson, as part of a sting operation to implicate Palmer. Following the operation's success, Jake and Amanda ended their relationship. A vengeful Palmer later teamed with a new partner named Brittany, who he also recruited to seduce Jake and plant explosives on his boat. However, Brittany eventually turned on Palmer and shot him dead while at sea, offering Jake the chance to join her as she fled the country. When Jake refused, Brittany departed the boat and triggered the explosives. Jake, however, had leapt overboard before the explosion, and later helped the FBI capture Brittany.