| - Grabbing is a gameplay element present in all of the Crysis games. It allows the player to pick up objects and enemies and throw them with varying levels of force.
- Grab is a command that moves an item from your inventory to your hand, ready for use. It is equivalent to the Hold command.
- Grab is a move used by Ristar. When performed, Ristar extends his arms to grab something. Grab can be performed by pressing the B button.
- A grab is a technique in both installments of the No More Heroes video game series performed by pressing the B Button while standing next to a stunned enemy. Foes can be stunned by a Beat Attack, after which successfully grabbing them allows protagonist Travis Touchdown to perform a throw technique. In the first title, after being imparted with the Technique of Affinity by Randall Lovikov, Touchdown is able to grab targets for his throwing maneuvers from an even greater distance.
- Grab is a utility programme present in Mac OS X. It is a screen capture programme which produces screen shots. The default format for captured images is TIFF.
- Grab is a creature ability in Dragon Age: Origins.
- Villain team dedicated to larceny.
- In 40th Day, you can walk up to enemies, and press the grenade button. Your character will wrap their arm around thier neck and take them hostage. This can help in 2 ways.
* A makeshift meat-shield
* A way to save civilians when they are hostages. The latter works by grabbing the senior officer. Often the only one wearing a helmet. His grunts will surrender and put their hand up. They will then get on their knee's. After that, your partner can either kill them or tie them up. You can do the same with your hostage.
- There are different ways of open/close the grabs:
* electro-hydraulic / diesel-hydraulic
* mechanical by rope(s) (1-rope, 2-ropes, 3-ropes, 4-ropes)
- Grab is the leftmost option on the Intent toolbar. It can be selected by double clicking. When you grab somebody, you will start by pulling them after you. Click on them again to grab them aggressively, again to put your hands round their neck, and again to start strangling them to death. To stop strangling or grabbing somebody, click Drop or the flashing red button above the inventory. This same button can also be used instead of clicking to progress your hold on a person.
- The Grab keyword allows this figure to choose an adjacent hero. That hero must succeed at a File:Might.png test or be Immobilized. Ability text: Grab: Choose a hero adjacent to this monster. The hero must test File:Might.png. If the hero fails, he is Immobilized.
- Once a throw is begun, the character cannot escape, with the exception of Kirby's forward and back throws in Melee. All throws grant 8 invincibility frames when started. Grabs cannot be shielded; attempting to do so has no effect. This means that grabs cannot be perfect shielded. Grabs also ignore launch resistance.
- Grab, grip - chwytanie czegoś za pomocą dłoni. Aby coś chwycić, należy kliknąć na dłoń (powinna stać się płaska). Uchwyt symbolizuje pół-przezroczysta kulka między obiektem chwytanym a dłonią. W niektórych trybach grab jest wyłączony.
- Grabs can easy lead to follow ups at lower percents, either through chain grabbing or some throws having low base knockback to set up for other attacks. At higher percents a grab can mean an easy KO for some characters with strong throws, such as Ness and Donkey Kong. The maximum amount of time the opponent is held depends on the percentage they are, with higher percent equating to more time. The opponent can also mash out of a grab by pressing any button, effectively reducing the grab time with each press. A grab release will occur if the grab time runs out.
- thumb Grab (ang. Hornbeam) — drzewo, z którego wytwarzane są różdżki.
- At some point while in the air, put your fingers on your board(s), pull, and hold for extra style points. Depending where you grab you can call it something different.
- A Grab is an attack that allows you to grab hold of opponents. When you've successfully grabbed the opponent, two controls can be used. If you press the attack button you will attack them. If you press the control stick upwards, downwards, or to the sides, you will throw them in that direction. This is called a Grab and Throw. It is possible to do both controls. Some characters grabs are extremely powerful and can KO if you play a mode such as All-Star Mode, or if you've set the Damage Ratio to 2.0. The best time to use a grab is if you are near a Blast line. You can then grab and throw tthe opponent and easily KO them if you throw them into the Blast line. The best time to grab an opponent is if you and the opponent are standing next to each other. CPUs do that a lot so watch out. Some ch
- thumb|Kirks Grab auf Delta Vega. Ein Grab ist ein Ort, an dem ein verstorbener Humanoid vergraben wird. Am Kopfende des Grabes befindet sich in der Regel ein Grabstein mit Inschrift. (DS9: ) Im Jahr 2265 bereitet der gottähnliche Gary Mitchell für seinen Freund James T. Kirk eine würdige Grabstätte vor. Mitchell plant Kirk zu töten und es kommt zu einem Kampf zwischen den beiden. Dabei stürzt Mitchell ins Grab, während Kirk auf einen Felsen, welcher über Mitchell hängt schießt. Der Felsen stürzt auf Mitchell und begräbt ihn in Kirks Grab. (TOS: )
- Dunkelheit. Das war das Erste was er sah und es würde auch das Letzte sein. Eine kalte Luft umgab ihn, die den Geruch von Erde in sich trug. Er wusste nicht wo er war, er spürte nur den erdigen Untergrund unter sich und wie sein Körper da lag, ohne sich zu bewegen. Seine Augenlider lagen schwer auf seinen Augen und es fühlte sich an, als hätte er Tage lang nicht geschlafen. Er hatte keinerlei Erinnerungen wie er hier her kam. Ein scharrendes Geräusch überkam ihn, in dieser endlosen Stille und er spürte wie gleich darauf Erde auf ihn hinunter fiel. Und es hörte nicht auf. Sein Körper wurde immer mehr mit kalter Erde umhüllt, doch er konnte nichts dagegen tun. Als nur noch sein Gesicht frei war hörte das Scharren auf einmal auf und er konnte fühlen wie jemand ihn an starrte.
- In Doom speedrunning terminology, a grab occurs when the player obtains an item from a location they are not supposed to do it from. It can occur with items placed behind impassible, transparent walls, and raised platforms with items just out of the player's reach, as well as solid walls if they are thin enough. This is usually done by straferunning against the wall in question, toward the item itself, or where it is located if it is behind a solid wall. How fast one needs to go depends on how far away the object is. If this is successful, the game will consider the item to be within reach, and will give it to the player.
- The term grab is used for picking something up and moving it without putting it into your inventory. The default activation key/button is:
* The Z key on the PC ( In Skyrim this has changed to holding the E key )
* Hold A on the Xbox 360 ( In Skyrim Hold A, even on PC with Xbox controller )
* The L2 button on the PS3 ( In Skyrim, hold X ) To use the grab utility, the player must point at the item to be moved, then press and hold down the "grab" button.
- The grab ability is the in-game ability to pick up, move around, and drop objects in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4. The implementation involves the grabbed item floating as if suspended from the initial grab point at whatever distance in front of the player character it was when grabbed. There is no animation of a hand or hands actually doing any grabbing. The game world's physics apply to the grabbed object, in so much as it will make a noise if knocked against another object; a sufficiently hard knock can force the object to be dropped.