| - OHHH you don't know that! I have never told you my plans about conquering this person's mind, by slowly torturing him until he gives me thee true ingredients of a Krispy Kreme burger, MUHUHUUHUHUHUHUHUH! MEHEHEHEHEHE! ME HE HE HE HE HE! MO HO HO HO HO HO! No wait, I am not Santa, I am SUPERMAN! Not some chap guy. But anyway, enough about me, you talk about me. No, I talk about the plans for exterminating this man, he has a beard. WE WILL EAT HIM!! Of course not! SHUT UP! You can spoon his guts out, can you not? And a butcher knife....for cutting meat, and a plate to smash his head in!
| - OHHH you don't know that! I have never told you my plans about conquering this person's mind, by slowly torturing him until he gives me thee true ingredients of a Krispy Kreme burger, MUHUHUUHUHUHUHUHUH! MEHEHEHEHEHE! ME HE HE HE HE HE! MO HO HO HO HO HO! No wait, I am not Santa, I am SUPERMAN! Not some chap guy. But anyway, enough about me, you talk about me. No, I talk about the plans for exterminating this man, he has a beard. As you can see from the picture, this beard is dangerous, evil and dangerously evil....It kills. It will wrap around your body, neck and mind and try to kill you. That's why you must wear protective clothing. That's as close as it gets, we'll surprise him, say we've come to give his kids presents, and then we slaughter him, with our hands....no wait, we're in suits, we can't kill him, it's too tight in there....we'll laughter him with that weird bouncy thing on top of our suit by attaching a knife to it...no wait, he'll see it....I'VE GOT IT!!! WE WILL EAT HIM!! NO WORRIES, we can eat him anyways! Just chop him into little pieces, and then kill him. We'll hold butcher knives and say we're becoming butchers and getting rid of our old jobs, but he was the 1000th person we've met, so we'll give his children presents....no wait! He has no children!!! BLARGHENSCHMARGEN!!! A HA! I'VE GOT IT!!! We will say we'll give him a present. Then he will be so overjoyed, he won't even know he's dead! Of course not! We just have to hide it...i know! We can say we're going to a picnic! That way, we can also bring more jabbing weapons, like forks and spoons and... SHUT UP! You can spoon his guts out, can you not? And a butcher knife....for cutting meat, and a plate to smash his head in! No, it won't. If you say it is, then you conceal it under your suit. Ya, you can be...THE MAN! THE MAN WHO CONCEALS KNIVES UNDER SUITS!! I SEE IT NOW!!! YOU'LL BE FAMOUS!!! SHUT UP! OF COURSE YOU WILL! If you don't, i'll kill you...i mean...uh...gill you, you know fish, teach you about gills. Stuff like that. DAMN IT! I'll just have to teach you what a kill...no wait i mean gill is. NO WAIT! I'VE GOT IT!!! I'll teach you what a wii is. Ya, that's it, A Wii. Now with our plan, you knife concealer, you drop the knife out of your suit and say WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Then i pick it up, pretend to trip and throw the knife into him killing him, then i say OOPSY DAISY and trip and all the forks, other knives and spoons will fall out of the picnic basket i'm carrying and he will be killed...definitely killed this time. IF IT DOES, WE'LL SAY "OH I'M EVER SO CLUMSY" and kill all of them. That way the park will be full of dead people and corpses...I CAN SEE IT NOW!! DEATH PARK!! FOR DEAF PEOPLE!!! I KNOW, STUPID! NOW FOR THE ESCAPE BIT! WE DROP OUR TELETUBBYSUITS AND SAY "IT WAS HOT IN THERE". That way, we can run faster and we're not as clumsy....but we still have to act clumsy, like trip every now and then. Then our car will be parked at the side, we get in and drive away very quickly. There, that's the plan for you.