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- Toothless is the Night fury owened by Hiccup and can be considered the world's cutest dragon and can easy be seen by his tail.
- Toothless is the main character in "How to Train Your Dragon"
- Toothless is one of the main Characters in How to Train Your Dragon, along with Hiccup and sometimes Astrid.
- He agreed with Eyepatch, who called "Clint Eastwood" a coward before his duel with Buford Tannen.
- Toothless is a dragon that appears as a Night Fury, one of the rarest and most intelligent species of dragon there is. He plays a similar role to his book counterpart. He serves as the deuteragonist of How To Train Your Dragon series.
- Toothless is the deuteragonist of the How To Train Your Dragon series. He is Hiccup's pet dragon and best friend.
- Toothless is Hiccup's pet dragon. Like many other dragons, Toothless can be perceived as concieted and ungrateful, but this is because dragons hardly ever say that their sorry. however, toothless is always there for hiccup in his darkest hour and the two share an extrordinary bond. Toothless is percieved to be a common or garden, but once the events of how to break a dragons heart happened, and in my opinion, some ominous foreshadowing by Cressida Cowel, I'm not really sure anymore...
- Tier: 8-C, likely higher Name: Toothless Gender: Male Classification: Dragon, Night Fury Age: 20 years (Hiccup's mother stated that he was Hiccup's age. Gobber stated the Hiccup was 20 years old) Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, reactions and durability, can breath fire, flight, can skydive, more or less fireproof Attack Potency: Building level, likely higher (Defeated the Red Death and the Bewilderbeast) Speed: Subsonic (Moved at possibly hundreds of miles an hour on foot.), can reach Transonic speed while skydiving (Made a sonic boom once) Range: Unknown Standard Equipment: None notable
- As a kid, I was never very good at taking care of my teeth. Let me tell ya, it comes back to haunt you. My mom would always lecture me about how we didn't have enough money to keep fixing my cavities. It was just such an easily avoidable problem, everything could've been solved right there. Of course, before too long, we just stopped fixing my teeth altogether. It hurt so bad to eat. Eventually, I had to blend all of my food just to get nutrition without bleeding out of my gums. If no one else can help, why not just fix something yourself? What a mistake he made... Where to start?
- Katherine Lewis is a dentist who comes from a long line of families in Dentistry including her late father, she likes her job, but is dissatisfied with her social life. She is afraid of loving anyone in case she loses them as she lost her father. Rogers shows Katherine to her office, which contains a non-working, television that shows her children who lose their teeth, and a vintage typewriter that automatically dictates the names and locations of said children.