A pantomime is a type of British play dealing with fairy-tales and funny characters, often performed at Christmas time. After a disastrous performance of The Fountain of Fair Fortune, Headmaster Armando Dippet put a ban on all future pantomimes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Albus Dumbledore saw fit to keep this rule in place.
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| - A pantomime is a type of British play dealing with fairy-tales and funny characters, often performed at Christmas time. After a disastrous performance of The Fountain of Fair Fortune, Headmaster Armando Dippet put a ban on all future pantomimes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Albus Dumbledore saw fit to keep this rule in place.
- Der Pantomime ist eine Minifigur aus der Minifiguren Serie 2. Er hat einen Hut und man kann die Köpfe austauschen, so dass er insgesamt drei Gesichtsausdrücke kennt. Er hat folgende Fähigkeiten: Datei:CM_ein_stern.png Kraft Datei:CM_fünf_sterne.png Kreativität Datei:CM_zwei_sterne.png Tempo
- Pantomime is
- The British know Pantomime as a form of seasonal theatre. When actors are too old, lazy, or dull to appear in anything else they can spend their lonely Christmas time on the stage with minor celebrities like that bloke who used to be on that show with that woman who married a footballer, the ex-bass player from that band that used to get a gig now and then, and the chap that pointed to the penguins in that nature programme.
- You already have permission to use "Pantomime" by Hamish Darby" under a Creative Commons License (See footer) including royalty free public performance. click here for the print version. This page relies heavily on an original story "The trial of Lakshmi" by Rabindranath Tagore, modified for use as a comic musical theatre pageant for Christmas or the Festival of light (Diwali). Full text of the original is readily available on-line. Readers are warned that while the story is inseperable from elements of indian cultural identity generally and hindu religion specifically, I rush to assure that no offence is intended and that any similarity between characters from the mahabarata and upanishad classics and silly nonsense from this genre of low brow european side-show is entirely hysterical and
- Pantomime or "panto" was a traditional form of raucous British family musical theatre which often used naughty double intendres and word play aimed at adults. Bernice Summerfield once experienced pantomime come to life. During the incident, Wolsey changed into a real life version of the panto character Puss in Boots. (PROSE: Oh No It Isn't!) UNIT occasionally put on Christmas panto productions of Aladdin. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation, No Future) Millie Peterson invited the Eleventh Doctor to watch a pantomime of Peter Pan with her mother and cousin, Louie Rollins, though the panto never took place. (WC: Snowfall)
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- Alex
- Admiral Bob
- Morgantj
check links in text for external license information.
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Falls du schon mal das Gefühl hattest, dass jemand lautlos hinter dir geht und Grimassen zieht, aber niemand zu sehen war, wenn du dich umgedreht hast, dann war es wahrscheinlich der Pantomime. Du triffst ihn in öffentlichen Grünanlagen, vor Restaurants und auf Marktplätzen, wo er Vorführungen gibt und Passanten nachahmt, ohne einen einzigen Ton von sich zu geben.
Keiner vermag es so gut wie der Pantomime, in einem unsichtbaren Käfig gefangen zu sein oder sich gegen den nicht vorhandenen Wind zu stemmen. Sein bester Freund ist der Clown und die beiden helfen sich oft gegenseitig, um ihr Publikum noch mehr zum Lachen zu bringen und den gebührenden Applaus zu kassieren!
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| - A pantomime is a type of British play dealing with fairy-tales and funny characters, often performed at Christmas time. After a disastrous performance of The Fountain of Fair Fortune, Headmaster Armando Dippet put a ban on all future pantomimes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Albus Dumbledore saw fit to keep this rule in place.
- Der Pantomime ist eine Minifigur aus der Minifiguren Serie 2. Er hat einen Hut und man kann die Köpfe austauschen, so dass er insgesamt drei Gesichtsausdrücke kennt. Er hat folgende Fähigkeiten: Datei:CM_ein_stern.png Kraft Datei:CM_fünf_sterne.png Kreativität Datei:CM_zwei_sterne.png Tempo
- Pantomime is
- The British know Pantomime as a form of seasonal theatre. When actors are too old, lazy, or dull to appear in anything else they can spend their lonely Christmas time on the stage with minor celebrities like that bloke who used to be on that show with that woman who married a footballer, the ex-bass player from that band that used to get a gig now and then, and the chap that pointed to the penguins in that nature programme.
- Pantomime or "panto" was a traditional form of raucous British family musical theatre which often used naughty double intendres and word play aimed at adults. Bernice Summerfield once experienced pantomime come to life. During the incident, Wolsey changed into a real life version of the panto character Puss in Boots. (PROSE: Oh No It Isn't!) UNIT occasionally put on Christmas panto productions of Aladdin. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation, No Future) Millie Peterson invited the Eleventh Doctor to watch a pantomime of Peter Pan with her mother and cousin, Louie Rollins, though the panto never took place. (WC: Snowfall) The Doctor himself was once a player in a pantomime. Death's Head unwittingly discovered the Seventh Doctor portraying a jester in a Brighton pantomime, but the Time Lord was able to get off stage before the robot mercenary could find him. (COMIC: Time Bomb!)
- You already have permission to use "Pantomime" by Hamish Darby" under a Creative Commons License (See footer) including royalty free public performance. click here for the print version. This page relies heavily on an original story "The trial of Lakshmi" by Rabindranath Tagore, modified for use as a comic musical theatre pageant for Christmas or the Festival of light (Diwali). Full text of the original is readily available on-line. Readers are warned that while the story is inseperable from elements of indian cultural identity generally and hindu religion specifically, I rush to assure that no offence is intended and that any similarity between characters from the mahabarata and upanishad classics and silly nonsense from this genre of low brow european side-show is entirely hysterical and may give the audience a new perspective on their lives. I hope so and may the fun begin. Please note- music was chosen for less restrictive license (eg. nursery rhymes) so a copy of the words can be given to the audience to sing along.