| - A dark, malicious version of Supergirl rises up from the stunned form of the real Supergirl. Lex Luthor expected this to happen, but is still surprised to see two different Supergirls before his eyes. Dark Supergirl has no love for anything but her own sense of power and Luthor and she begin fighting. Dark Supergirl grabs Lex and flies him off into outer space. She dumps him onto Earth's moon and sends him smashing through the JLA Watchtower. The doppelgänger lands to finish him off, but Green Lantern is present and holds the evil Supergirl off. She then uses her super-speed to snatch Green Lantern's ring off of his finger, then batters him into the wall. While she's distracted, Luthor opens a communiqué with the Calculator, who hacks into the JLA's teleport tubes, and enables Luthor the ability to escape.
Meanwhile, the real Supergirl comes to in the deserts of Monument Valley, Utah. Standing above her is Starfire, who is likewise recovering from injuries visited upon her by Lex Luthor. Starfire tells her about the evil doppelgänger and that Luthor and she took off into outer space.
At the Watchtower, the evil Supergirl fights up against several more members of the JLA, including Hawkman, the Flash, Black Canary and Martian Manhunter. She easily incapacitates each one of them. On the surface of the moon, outside the Watchtower, she snatches the Martian Manhunter by the throat, preparing to snap his neck. Before she can do so however, the real Supergirl arrives on the scene.