| - Wallace (Willis in the English Dub) is a major character in Digimon Adventure 02: Digimon Hurricane Landing!! in which he is paired with Terriermon and Chocomon. He is an American Chosen Child who bears the Digimental of Fate. Wallace is notable for being one of the few Chosen Children to be paired with multiple Digimon, as well as the only "international" Chosen Child to play a major role in the anime. As a child, Wallace tried to create a Digi-Egg. While he was successful, the Egg was infected by a virus and hatched into Kuramon. Unbeknownst to Wallace, this Kuramon would later become one of the strongest villains in the entire Digimon Adventure continuity. Even though the Kuramon (now Diablomon) was defeated by Omegamon and Koushiro's quick thinking, it didn't die. The same virus later infected Wallace's Chocomon, turning it into the insane Wendigomon. Over the course of the next few years, Wendigomon chased Wallace where ever he went, causing Wallace to be constantly on the go. At some point he ended up in New York City where he met Takeru and Hikari. After deciding to confront Wendigomon once and for all, he went back to where Chocomon was first infected by the virus, Summery Memory, Colorado. On his way he meant up with Daisuke Motomiya, Miyako Inoue and Iori Hida, who all aided him in the final battle against Wendigomon. Over the course of the final battle, Wendigomon digivolved into Antylamon and Cherubimon, who both proved to be too powerful for the Children. With the power of the Golden Digimentals, Terriermon and V-Mon were able to digivolve into Rapidmon Armor and Magnmamon respectfully, who were able to delete the virus within Cherubimon.