Zebbo is a type of 'pipe enemy' found mostly in Ridley's Lair. They have a very bee-like appearance. They are found in Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Super Metroid, the creatures can be witnessed not only coming out of Air Holes, but also out of several Samus Eaters; Zebbos infinitely spawn out of those two structures, suggesting they have hives built within them.
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| - Zebbo es una especie de criaturas insectoides voladoras. Aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid. Son originarios del planeta Zebes, donde habitan en la Tierra de Ridley.
- Zebbo is a type of 'pipe enemy' found mostly in Ridley's Lair. They have a very bee-like appearance. They are found in Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Super Metroid, the creatures can be witnessed not only coming out of Air Holes, but also out of several Samus Eaters; Zebbos infinitely spawn out of those two structures, suggesting they have hives built within them.
- Zebbo are a species of aerial, pit-dwelling, thermophilic insectoid indigenous to the searing magma-filled areas of Lower Norfair, one of the planet Zebes' many (sub)sectors. Three hues are known to exist: blue, yellow, and green, either indicating closely related subspecies, sexual dimorphism, color change through incomplete metamorphic change, or a combination of any of the above. They typically could be found living in large colonies within former colonial air ducts and like many other Zebesian hive-oriented fauna, they would protect their homes with ample ferocity. They will continue to bombard their foes with their seemingly endless numbers until the threat flees. Given their name, they may be related to the similarly named Zebs.
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| - Estos vuelan de los tubos de aire. Un solo disparo acabará con los azules, pero requiere dos disparos terminar con los amarillos. Estos son los oponentes más débiles del escondite.
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| - Esta especie no se ha visto en otros planetas
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| - Verde/Morado y Naranja/Rojo
| - Metroid
- Metroid: Zero Mission
- Super Metroid
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| - Zebbo_sprite_Metroid.gif
- Zebbos.png
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| - Zebbo are a species of aerial, pit-dwelling, thermophilic insectoid indigenous to the searing magma-filled areas of Lower Norfair, one of the planet Zebes' many (sub)sectors. Three hues are known to exist: blue, yellow, and green, either indicating closely related subspecies, sexual dimorphism, color change through incomplete metamorphic change, or a combination of any of the above. They typically could be found living in large colonies within former colonial air ducts and like many other Zebesian hive-oriented fauna, they would protect their homes with ample ferocity. They will continue to bombard their foes with their seemingly endless numbers until the threat flees. Given their name, they may be related to the similarly named Zebs. As with all other species native to Zebes, it became extinct in the wild when Samus Aran finally destroyed the evil Mother Brain.
- Zebbo es una especie de criaturas insectoides voladoras. Aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid. Son originarios del planeta Zebes, donde habitan en la Tierra de Ridley.
- Zebbo is a type of 'pipe enemy' found mostly in Ridley's Lair. They have a very bee-like appearance. They are found in Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Super Metroid, the creatures can be witnessed not only coming out of Air Holes, but also out of several Samus Eaters; Zebbos infinitely spawn out of those two structures, suggesting they have hives built within them.
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