| - Is the mother of Shiera Hall and Queen of the Nth City that floats above Hawkworld. In ancient Egypt, she was married to the Pharoah's youngest brother, who died from a pestilence that also took the life of the Pharoah's wife. When the downed Thanagarian ship was discovered, they used the Nth metal inside to create many things, including a dagger and Hawkman's Claw of Horus. When the Pharoah refused to use the Nth metal to change things for Egypt, she killed him and forged a suicide note. She then became Queen of Egypt, and Hath-Set killed Shiera and Khufu with the Nth metal dagger to use their blood in order to become immortal.
| - Is the mother of Shiera Hall and Queen of the Nth City that floats above Hawkworld. In ancient Egypt, she was married to the Pharoah's youngest brother, who died from a pestilence that also took the life of the Pharoah's wife. When the downed Thanagarian ship was discovered, they used the Nth metal inside to create many things, including a dagger and Hawkman's Claw of Horus. When the Pharoah refused to use the Nth metal to change things for Egypt, she killed him and forged a suicide note. She then became Queen of Egypt, and Hath-Set killed Shiera and Khufu with the Nth metal dagger to use their blood in order to become immortal. Some time later, she came to Hawkworld, took complete control of the Manhawks and built and raised the Nth City into the clouds, where she ruled for over two thousand years. She also used genetic experiments on herself to give herself wings and black, birdlike eyes. While Shiera is forced into fighting inside of a cage by Hath-Set, he appears with a mysterious woman, whose face is obscured by a Thanagarian helmet. Hath-Set tells Shiera that she is known in Hawkworld as Queen Shrike and that she has ruled the pathway between Thanagar and Earth for centuries. When Shiera attacks Hath-Set, the Queen Shrike knocks her down with her wing and reveals her face, causing Shiera to recognize her as her mother. While Hath-Set nails Shiera to the gate composed of the bones of the past lives of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Shrike recounts her rise to power to her daughter. When Hawkman arrives to save Shiera, she manipulates him through the Nth metal on his body, pinning him alongside Shiera onto the gate. After activating it, she leads her Manhawk army to Zamaron. While she is being pummeled by Shiera, the Predator Entity grabs her after sensing her black heart. While she marvels at the Entity's beauty, it says to her that her heart is devoid of love, and that she cares for no one, not even herself; power is all she loves. It then proceeds to merge with her. With her newfound power, she attacks Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Star Sapphire. Through a combined effort, Hawkman and Hawkgirl are able to pull the Predator Entity out of her. After being separated from the Entity, she was restrained by the bones of the past lives of Hawkman and Hawkgirl and imprisoned within the Star Sapphire Central Power Battery.