| - I won't go into the details of Era, and where the name originated. I'm going to tell you a story about this name, something I hope to recreate soon. (Hint hint, 25th.) In Imperia (not the first, you know, this was the one with Zaer and all the betray-y things) Zor begun it's name and soon conquerered the military world. Over 150 Zor/Zoars were counted after Imperia's fall, and many loyal to the name. The Zor's, spearheaded and founded by Mr. Sherlock Zor, (now Saul) were a group of elite knights, spreaded throughout towering, military, and a few social guilds. Sporting the Paladin helm and the White Knight body, signature to Imperia's forces, the Zor's soon became elite knights that defended even Zaer and Xinke for a short while, before Imperia's fall. The original co-founders of the Class
| - I won't go into the details of Era, and where the name originated. I'm going to tell you a story about this name, something I hope to recreate soon. (Hint hint, 25th.) In Imperia (not the first, you know, this was the one with Zaer and all the betray-y things) Zor begun it's name and soon conquerered the military world. Over 150 Zor/Zoars were counted after Imperia's fall, and many loyal to the name. The Zor's, spearheaded and founded by Mr. Sherlock Zor, (now Saul) were a group of elite knights, spreaded throughout towering, military, and a few social guilds. Sporting the Paladin helm and the White Knight body, signature to Imperia's forces, the Zor's soon became elite knights that defended even Zaer and Xinke for a short while, before Imperia's fall. The original co-founders of the Classic Zors were Saul, Irish, and Senlok (John). These three began to train their own family with: History, from Irish, Spar, by John, and Leadership by Saul. This family soon took the York tower for Imperia alone, for 8 hours on a Sunday, with only 5 Zor's alternating between online and off. The family was connected, and they all depended on each other to live, thrive and survive in Imperia, much like the New Urbanism city planning in real life. We were all close, held bets, had competitions and now, we're not. The Zor/Zoar downfall began in Zoar House, owned by Xeno. The name Zor mutated to Zoar, after it's original name in Era, which confused people. The family ended.