Shadows of Europe p88. The island was struck by stong earthqakes in 2043. Guillaume Bonaparte invested his own money, made through real estate and smuggling, to help rebuild the local economy earning him strong popular support and leading to his election as President for life. Shadows of Europe p88. Corsica gained its independence from France in 2050. Shadows of Europe p88. It’s an open secret that Bonaparte has strong ties to the Corsican Mafia and holds a seat on the Alta Commissione.
Shadows of Europe p88. The island was struck by stong earthqakes in 2043. Guillaume Bonaparte invested his own money, made through real estate and smuggling, to help rebuild the local economy earning him strong popular support and leading to his election as President for life. Shadows of Europe p88. Corsica gained its independence from France in 2050. Shadows of Europe p88. It’s an open secret that Bonaparte has strong ties to the Corsican Mafia and holds a seat on the Alta Commissione.