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  • DoT
  • DOT
  • Dot
  • DOT
  • Dot
  • Dot
  • Dot
  • DOT
  • DoT
  • DoT
  • DoT
  • DoT
  • DoT
  • DoT
  • Dot
  • Dot
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  • Dot is an author of Forever Knight fan fiction. For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight-related material by this author, please see .
  • Dorothy "Dot" is Bob and Tom's mother. In Scoop's Recruit, she joined Robert to run the Bobsville yard office. Just like Robert, Dot calls Bob "Bobby". In Lofty's Comet, Dot says that Bob was always into looking through a telescope when he was young, and she used to always have trouble getting him into bed. Sometimes she joins Robert to help their son with construction jobs. In The Knights of Can-A-Lot, Mr. Bentley called her by her real name Dorothy. Dot and Robert used to live in Bobsville when Bob and Tom were babies and teenagers.
  • Dot is a long-lost cousin of Oscar Wilde who invented a mark of punctuation and named it after herself. “I'd like to name some punctuation marks after myself.” ~ Oscar Wilde on Dot “Too bad.” ~ Dot Wilde on herself “Uncyclopedia Dot org” ~ Some guy on dot “I'm Cute.” ~ Dot Warner on herself “.” ~ Anonymous on dot “. is my freeeeeend” ~ Gir “・・・。” ~ Nagato Yuki on dot “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” ~ door closing alert of MTR Hong Kong “.” ~ . on .
  • Like all pre-made Sims from Oasis Landing, she has the Future Sim hidden trait. As she has the RoBotany Gardener and HandiBot trait chips installed, she has mastered her Gardening and Handiness skills. She may be a spoof of EVE from the Disney/Pixar film WALL-E.
  • Dot falando com Rookie. Curiosidades: * No jogo Elite Penguin Force, Dot tinha um visual diferente! E ela seu mentor que te guia pelo jogo! * Dot tem um telefone secreto especial chama Gadget Spy, que você pode utilizar no jogo Elite Penguin Force para DS * Ela é amiga do pinguim que quebra o óculos na missão 11, pois se ajudá-lo ela te dará um presente
  • Dot es una Plumbot de Oasis Landing. Vive con su novio ROB-E y sus amistades Neel Das y Takk0. Ella tiene dominada la habilidad de jardinería y manitas. Neel la contruyó para que sea la ama de casa de su unidad.
  • The dot (or period or full stop), ".", character is used in NetHack for several purposes: * The rest command. * To represent empty dungeon floor (.), and ice (.). * To represent venom in the animation of it being spat. Press . when asked for a direction, such as when zapping a wand, to direct your action at yourself.
  • The acronym DOT may refer to: * Digital Opportunity Taskforce * U.S. Department of Transportation
  • This command causes all graphs to be graphed using dots. All plotted values will be shown, without any connections between the plotted values.
  • Dot is a student at Cypress Creek Elementary School.
  • Acronym of Damage Over Time
  • DoT = damage over time (skill)
  • Dot is the tritagonist of A Bug's Life.
  • Dot — mugol, który przebywał w Gospodzie pod Wisielcem po rozprawie dotyczącej śmierci Riddle'ów. Rozmawiał z innymi zgromadzonymi o Franku Bryce'u. Był pewny, że to właśnie on zabił Riddle'ów. Po tym, jak Franka wypuszczono z komisariatu, Dot uważał, że ogrodnik powinien wynieść się z miasta, bo nawet jeśli oszukał policję, mieszkańcy i tak wiedzą, że to on był sprawcą.
  • Dot is Rosie O'Gravy's niece, introduced in the third season of Dog City. Dot appears with her aunt in short segments, "The Adventures of Rosie and Dot," and rarely participates in the main story. She didn't talk a lot. She mostly said "Why?" save for the times when the situation actually called for her to say "Why?" in which case she would say more than one word.
  • Damage over Time effect. These are debuffs that apply periodic damage to the target. DoT effects in Asda Story include Burn, Curse, Bleed, Infect, and Poison. No target can have two DoTs of the same name on them. Each DoT type has a different speed that it applies damage at: Burn - Deals damage every half second (includes Flame and Burning) Curse - Deals damage every three seconds Bleed - Deals damage every half second Infect Poison - Deals damage every three seconds
  • DoT : (engl.) Damage over Time = Schadenseffekt, der über einen bestimmten Zeitraum wirkt und dem Gegener wiederholt Schaden zufügt. Kategorie:Abkürzungen Kategorie:Begriffsklärung
  • Dot (Duna en Hispanoamerica) es una estudiante de la clase de lentos de la escuela de Cypress Creek junto a Bart, Melvin, Warren y Gary. Después de que Bart fuese enviado a la clase de lentos, Dot le cuenta que ella se cayo de un tobogán y aparecio allí.
  • Dot zamieszkuje Oasis Landing wraz ze swoim twórcą Neelem Dasem i jego dwoma innymi Plumbotami - ROB-E i Takk0. Cała czwórka ma ze sobą dobre relacje. Dot posiada chipy: MajsterBot, RoBotanik i Kompetentne czyszczenie. Jak każdy mieszkaniec Oasis Landing, posiada ukrytą cechę Sima z przyszłości. Dzięki swoim chipom ma rozwinięte umiejętności majsterkowania i ogrodnictwa na poziomie dziesiątym.
  • Dot, a.k.a Agent D or full code name Dot The Disguise Gal, she is the EPF agent whom is in charge of being their master of disguise, or in other words, helps with anything that needs penguins with disguises. She is similar to Agent LJM of the normal PSA. She is polite, kind and is friends with Coool31. She is currently 19 years of age.
  • [Fuente]> «En lo que a mí respecta, los mataron, y no me importa lo que diga la policía. Y si tuviera un mínimo de decencia, se iría, sabiendo que lo hizo.» —Punto de vista de Dot sobre las acciones de Frank Bryce después de el asesinato de los Ryddle. Dot era una mujer muggle que vivía en Pequeño Hangleton. Ella conocía a Frank Bryce desde que él era un niño.
  • Dot can refer to : * DOT96, a musician * .dot, a FFR user and stepfile author * dot death (Stealth Remix), a song by The Red Rebel * Dot Matrix Hero, a song by Sabrepulse * DotKritic, a FFR user
  • se on semonen vitun pieni piste loloololo
  • Акроним от Damage Over Time. Означает Урон, наносимый за время. Категория:Сокращения
  • To scatter small bits (dots) of an ingredient (usually butter) over another food or mixture. Distributing bits of butter over the fruit in an apple pie, for example, allows the butter to melt evenly over the pie as it bakes.
  • DOT skills refers to any attack skill that does Damage Over Time. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Damage over time. Schaden über einen Zeitraum - Wird normalerweise auf Nanos oder Gegenstände bezogen, die ihren Schaden nicht auf einmal, sondern innerhalb eines Zeitrahmens machen.
  • DoT del inglés Damage over Time (también llamado Debuff) o Daño bajo Tiempo se denomina a las habilidades que causan daño en sus objetivos durante un tiempo determinado. Por ejemplo, si una habilidad causa 1000 de daño durante 10 segundos sabemos que causará 100 de daño por segundo (1000 daño / 10 segundos = 100/seg.)
  • Dot es una de las primeras Agentes de la Elite Penguin Force donde su alias es la "Chica del Disfraz". Apareció por primera vez en el juego para Nintendo DS: Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force con un estilo distinto, ahí ella era una mentora y se referían a ella como Agente D. También aparece en La Venganza de Herbert donde se acerca más a ti y crece una amistad ya que te permite llamarla Dot.
  • File:Dot Doom Patrol v2 64 BB.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Dot is Princess Atta's little sister and Flik's friend.
  • Dot was a Muggle woman who lived in Little Hangleton. She knew Frank Bryce since he was a child.
  • Dot is a trained pet Dalmatian available for purchase through the Station Cash Marketplace to everyone at the regular price of File:Sc.png299, and to members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png269.
  • Dot is 1 of the main characters who 1st appeared in A Bug's Life as a 6 year old girl ant, and will also appear in A Bug's Life 2: The Adventures of Fearless Pals as a 14 year old teenage girl ant. She is voiced by Hayden Pannetiere in the 2 film series.
  • DoT stands for Damage over Time. This is a type of single target spell that deals damage over time instead of all at once. Some examples of this are Soul Burn, Shadow Strike, and Acid Bomb.
  • Dot is Atta's little sister and the tritagonist in Disney/Pixar's 1998 film A Bug's Life.
  • A very long time ago an ancient, and now very dead author, wrote a book that was better than anything anyone had ever seen before. The book itself was quite unimportant but the last sentence on page 133 ended with a very special period(or full stop if your British). This period was so powerful he willed himself into existence and into the 3rd dimension.
  • Dot is a 34 year old woman whose picture appears on the VC for Lovers section of the official Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories website.
  • DoT ist die Abkürzung von "Damage over Time'" (Schaden über Zeit). Sogennante DoTs sind zum Beispiel: * Feuerbrand (Hexenmeister) * Schattenwort: Schmerz (Priester) * Pyroschlag (Magier) * Verwunden (Krieger) * und andere Entweder die Zauber sind von Haus aus ein DoT z.B. Feuerbrand, oder aber sie fügen dem Gegner Schaden zu und der DoT tickt im Anschluß herunter. Jede Klasse in WoW besitzt einen DoT oder kann durch skillen erlernt werden. Das Gegenstück zu DoT ist der HoT (Heal over Time), der allerdings nur von Heilerklassen benutzt werden kann.
  • Acronyme de "Damage over Time". Le terme "DoT" désigne l'ensemble des techniques et sorts occasionnant sur une cible des dégats sur la durée, c'est-à-dire des dégats répartis sur un certain laps de temps, par opposition à des dégats immédiats. Par extension, "DoT" est parfois utilisé en tant que verbe: "Laissez, je le DoT"
  • DOT = Damage Over Time = Schaden über Zeit Bei einem DOT werden dem Spieler oder dem Gegner über einen bestimmten Zeitraum beständig Lebenspunkte abgezogen. z.B. Blutungseffekte
  • thumb|135px|Dot. La Princesa Dot es la princesa hormiga más joven de la familia real en la película A Bug's Life.
  • A dot is an insignificant speck. Dots are exceedingly common everywhere. They are so small, yet people actually care about them for some reason. Nobody knows what this reason is, but they care anyways, because caring is NICE!
  • Damage over Time (DoT) is the action of a Magic Skill that damages a character over multiple combat turns (e.g. more than 1 turn).
  • Dot est une habitante de Little Hangleton qui connaissait Frank Bryce depuis son enfance et qui trouvait qu'il avait un caractère épouvantable.
  • Evangeline Josephine Freeland was the young daughter of a wealthy banker. She had curly, yellow hair and deep blue eyes. When she was born, her parents began calling her Dot and the name stuck. Dot's mother was an invalid and one summer took a trip with her father (Dot's grandfather) to Europe, hoping that the travel and change of scenery would do her good. Dot's father was a busy man, so he sent Dot and her governess, Miss Bombien, to live for the summer at Roselawn, his country home. It was Dot's first experience in the country, having lived all her life in a big city house. She had been in ill health due to a long winter and chilly spring, but the country life soon restored her vitality.
  • A dot, like many things, is a female. A dot, (or Full Stop) is the female side of the species, colon, and is also the adult version of a semicolon. no-one is really sure why that makes sense, but anyone who asks gets shot. IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH, AS LONG AS SOME PEOPLE DON'T INTERRUPT US (AND ENDING UP BEING SHOT), WE WILL BE ABLE TO SHOW YOU A SCALE PICTURE OF A DOT. IF YOU WOULD KINDLY LOOK AT YOUR KEYBOARD, TO WHERE THE FULL STOP IS, YOU MAY NOTICE THAT IS IS SIMPLY A SMALL DOT. THE REASON IT LOOKS LIKE THIS IS BECAUSE THE MALE SIDE HAS TWO BALLS, OBVIOUSLY, AND THE FEMALE ONLY HAS ONE BALL.
  • Wie immer arbeitete ich bis spät in die Nacht rein und konnte mich kaum wach halten vor lauter Tabellen auf dem Bildschirm. Meine Augen haben so geschmerzt, weswegen ich meinen Chef darum bat, früher nach Hause gehen zu dürfen. Er wusste, dass ich jeden Tag anwesend war und wirklich viel für die Firma tat, die erst zwei Wochen alt war. Nachdem er mit einem lächelndem Blick nickte, machte ich mich fertig. Ich fuhr mit der Bahn nach Hause. Autos und Motorräder sind nichts für mich. Ich wurde immer panisch in der Fahrschule und vor Fahrrädern habe ich nach den vielen Todesmeldungen höllische Angst.
  • so deeply within the Dot that it is the single source of their hapiness. But a Dot can only use this power to grant a Funkey's wildest wish only once in their entire lifetime. As soon as the Dot has granted this wish, they are so filled with joy that they fly away with the wind, never to be seen again. This puts the Dot into strange, somewhat ironic position in life. The closer they become to another funkey, the better friends they are, the more they want to grant them a wish. But as soon as they do, their friendship ends and they fly away. To a non-Dot, this seems quite sad.
  • Dot, known to the EPF as Dot the Disguise Gal or Agent D, also known by the civilian cover name Dot the Design Gal, is an essential character in both Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force and Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge, being introduced in the latter. In both titles, she trained, assisted, and worked with the player in the Elite Penguin Force. She was the first EPF agent to be introduced who was not previously seen to be an agent of the Penguin Secret Agency.
  • Dots are the means by which nearly all trait ratings are represented in Storyteller, Revised Storyteller and Storytelling system games. Rather than using numbers like most roleplaying games, White Wolf games rate traits using dots. Nearly all traits are rated from 1 to 5, though some may rise as high as 10 or more; in either case, the trait is represented on the character sheet by a number of circles, which are filled in from left to right. For example, a trait with a maximum of 5 dots whose current rating was 3 would be represented on a character sheet like this:
  • See [[#Appearances
  • Good
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