| - Dragonfable, is considered the prequel to Artix Entertainment's mind-numbing mass-hypnosis project known as AdventureQuest, meant to draw their players further under their control by forcing them to perform mindless, repetitive "quests" over and over. And over. It is believed that by doing so, they will form the perfect armies of slaves to rise up and defeat the legions of Empress Oprah. This, of course, is completely silly.
- DragonFable is a free-to-play, online, browser-based, single-player, fantasy, role-playing game developed by Artix Entertainment and updated on a weekly basis. Players may access additional game content—including housing, as well as exclusive quests, events, and equipment—by upgrading their accounts for a one-time fee.
- Players control their character via pointing and clicking on the screen in various areas to navigate the player character to the point where they click. Most items are activated either simply by running into them, or by pressing a button that will appear when the point is reached (when outside of battle). Battle is (most often) entered by making contact or entering within a certain area around a "monster". Other times, however, combat can be entered in abnormal ways such as a button press or scripted events. The battle system features a set of many special attacks (many of which use mana points, which are limited and can be regained through certain moves or potions) or other actions along with a basic "Attack!" button. (attacks all have a specific "element" of damage, such as Fire or Wind)
| - Dragonfable, is considered the prequel to Artix Entertainment's mind-numbing mass-hypnosis project known as AdventureQuest, meant to draw their players further under their control by forcing them to perform mindless, repetitive "quests" over and over. And over. It is believed that by doing so, they will form the perfect armies of slaves to rise up and defeat the legions of Empress Oprah. This, of course, is completely silly.
- Players control their character via pointing and clicking on the screen in various areas to navigate the player character to the point where they click. Most items are activated either simply by running into them, or by pressing a button that will appear when the point is reached (when outside of battle). Battle is (most often) entered by making contact or entering within a certain area around a "monster". Other times, however, combat can be entered in abnormal ways such as a button press or scripted events. The battle system features a set of many special attacks (many of which use mana points, which are limited and can be regained through certain moves or potions) or other actions along with a basic "Attack!" button. (attacks all have a specific "element" of damage, such as Fire or Wind). Players have 2 health potions and 2 mana potions, restoring each respectively. The attacks the player can use are determined mostly by what class they are using. Each class has a set of armor unique to that class and a different set of attacks. Most fighting takes place in "Quests", missions involving a set storyline and the fighting of monsters. Most quests feature a "Boss" character, which is a particularly powerful monster, often having a small dialogue with the player pre-fight(and sometimes post-fight). Defeating enemies earns "Exp Points" which causes the player character to level up when they earn enough. Money and items are also common rewards.
- DragonFable is a free-to-play, online, browser-based, single-player, fantasy, role-playing game developed by Artix Entertainment and updated on a weekly basis. Players may access additional game content—including housing, as well as exclusive quests, events, and equipment—by upgrading their accounts for a one-time fee.