| - Tim Smith ist ein ehemaliger Schüler der Tree Hill High School und ein guter Freund von Nathan. Er verließ die Schule mitten in der 12. Klasse, und wechselte zu einer Privatschule, an der er angeblich sehr glücklich war. Er war mit Bevin verheiratet. Sie haben ein Kind namens Nathan, welches wahrscheinlich nach seinem besten Freund auf der High School benannt ist. In der fünften Staffel erzählt er Brooke, Haley, Peyton, Lindsey und Mia, dass er traurig darüber ist, dass sich niemand mehr bei ihm meldet. Danach taucht er nie wieder auf. Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Charaktere
- Tim Smith (born July 21, 1981) is a Canadian professional ice hockey forward with High1 of the Asia League Ice Hockey.
- Timothy "Tim" Smith was a former student at Tree Hill High School, where and a best friend of Nathan and was a typical 'jock' as part of the Tree Hill Ravens and part of the popular group where due to his slowness he often made fun of due to not getting to point in his statements and claiming to get with girls. He departed the school mid way through his senior year to go to a 'special school'. He was formerly married to Bevin Mirskey, with a child who he named Nathan after his friend from High School and working as a pizza delivery man.