| - Reverence Of Life & Death is a 2015 American Science Fiction Experimental Slasher Horror Thriller film written and directed by Terrence Malik starring George Clooney, Kate Winslet, Morgan Freeman, Madeline Carroll, Hailee Steinfeld, Charlie Rowe, Dove Cameron, Gig Morton, Sean Michael Cunnigham and Timmy McCartney. The film is slated to be awarded with the Saturn for Best Horror/Thriller film: 2015 and is heavily inspired by The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes.
| - Reverence Of Life & Death is a 2015 American Science Fiction Experimental Slasher Horror Thriller film written and directed by Terrence Malik starring George Clooney, Kate Winslet, Morgan Freeman, Madeline Carroll, Hailee Steinfeld, Charlie Rowe, Dove Cameron, Gig Morton, Sean Michael Cunnigham and Timmy McCartney. The film is slated to be awarded with the Saturn for Best Horror/Thriller film: 2015 and is heavily inspired by The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes. The film deals with the concept of life after death, purgatory and paradise, the concept of hell and centres heavily on a complicated, intricate time travelling plot. The film is to be distributed by Icon Entertainment which had previously collaborated on Malik's Oscar nominated 2011 experimental film The Tree Of Life a 50's set drama of nature vs nurture in a family upbringing beset by tragedy which shares its' experimental themes with. The film is slated for pre-screening at the Cairns Film Festival on January 12th, 2015 and a small theatrical release on January 22nd, 2015.