Rough Draft Studios is an animation studio based in Glendale, California. It was founded by Gregg Vanzo. There are episodes of The Simpsons animated by its Korean division starting with season 4 or possibly before along with The Simpsons Movie.
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- Rough Draft Studios
| - Rough Draft Studios, Inc. (RDS) es un estudio de animación unbicado en Glendale, California, Estados Unidos, aunque su estudio hermano, Rough Draft Korea, se localiza en Seoul, Corea del Sur. RDS fue fundada en Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California por Gregg Vanzo. El estudio proveó animación a distintas series como The Ren & Stimpy Show, The Maxx, Los Simpson y Futurama.
- Rough Draft Studios is an animation studio based in Glendale, California. It was founded by Gregg Vanzo. There are episodes of The Simpsons animated by its Korean division starting with season 4 or possibly before along with The Simpsons Movie.
- Rough Draft Studios is a California/South Korean based studio founded in 1991 by Animator Gregg Vanzo. Originally the company started out in a Garage. But while working on The Ren and Stimpy Show, Gregg's wife Nikki suggested to show creator John Kricfalusi about outsourcing to South Korea. Which was how the company's South Korean division was formed.
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| - Rough Draft Studios, Inc. (RDS) es un estudio de animación unbicado en Glendale, California, Estados Unidos, aunque su estudio hermano, Rough Draft Korea, se localiza en Seoul, Corea del Sur. RDS fue fundada en Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California por Gregg Vanzo. El estudio proveó animación a distintas series como The Ren & Stimpy Show, The Maxx, Los Simpson y Futurama.
- Rough Draft Studios is a California/South Korean based studio founded in 1991 by Animator Gregg Vanzo. Originally the company started out in a Garage. But while working on The Ren and Stimpy Show, Gregg's wife Nikki suggested to show creator John Kricfalusi about outsourcing to South Korea. Which was how the company's South Korean division was formed. Compare Production I.G, Toon City, GONZO and Digital E Mation, four companies that also use CGI in their animation, on the Korean side of things, Compare (And contrast) AKOM, their partner on The Simpsons, Madhouse's South Korean Subdivisions DR Movie & Moi; Hanho Heung Up, Sunwoo Entertainment and JM Animation.
- Rough Draft Studios is an animation studio based in Glendale, California. It was founded by Gregg Vanzo. There are episodes of The Simpsons animated by its Korean division starting with season 4 or possibly before along with The Simpsons Movie.