| - Here we go." - Stephanie Brown, Batgirl Stephanie Brown has done her best to put her past behind her, but as the Repears' mysterious client stands revealed, Batgirl's going to learn the hard way that those who fail history are doomed to repeat it. This issue has it all: Secrets unearthed! Alliances broken! Splash pages! Summary of Stephness: Continuing seconds after the last issue, Steph questions her dad on his resurrection, though he points out she also died. Father and daughter fight, Arthur Brown telling Stephanie he came back for her - first to avenge her in War Crimes, then to observe her career as Batgirl. Arthur reveals that he's been growing Black Mercy, which he's been using to plan his life. Steph is horrified, and he blows some crushed petals in her face, bringing Steph's career as Batgirl full circle to the Thrill weaponized hallucinogen. As Arthur leaves, saying he's making her a better Batgirl, and might visit Crystal, she throws a Batarang at him. Though he says "You missed," she has launched a goop-er-ang which sticks him to the wall. As she blacks out, Steph says, "So sorry to spoil your fun." Steph wakes up in the hospital, with her mask on, and her mother sitting at her side. Her mother says her super-team-mates from last issue brought her in, and Dr. Mid-Nite recommended a blood transfusion. Crystal reveals that she knows Stephanie is Batgirl, and though initially angry, is very proud of her, and mother and daughter embrace. Back in uniform, Batgirl meets Nell and several other kids who were waiting for her to wake up. They tell her that just like Steph never gives up on Gotham, they never give up on her. Through the hospital window, Robin (Damian Wayne) salutes her. Just before sunrise, Batgirl and Oracle sit on a rooftop together, drinking coffee and eating waffles. Barbara tells Steph that she was worried, and that she saved her. Steph counters that Babs saved her. Telling Steph that she started coming out of the coma before the transfusion kicked in, Babs asks Steph what she saw. Steph says, "You know, stuff." But we see it all: A vision of Team Batgirl, fighting crime as usual. Steph, Star Girl, Kara, and M'gann, fighting in a castle fantasy world together (wearing floofy dresses!) Blue Lantern Steph, Red Lantern Damian, and Green Lantern Babs fight Black Lanterns. Steph, Babs, and Cass, all as Batgirl, fight crime with the Blackhawks in World War II. Steph, wearing graduation regalia, fights the Playing Cards gang. Short haired Steph puts her son to bed with the Batsignal in the sky. Knightwing Steph and Batgirl Nell leap joyfully into the fray together. All of these visions have the Black Mercy flowers woven into their texture, showing their fantastical, seductive nature. Steph tells Babs that her dad got something a little bit right - to ignore regret and focus on the future, though Steph says that it's focusing on this moment and making it her own is the true path to redemption. Babs asks why Steph is crying, and she responds that today, she's happy. And the sunrise is purple. Bantering about pollution vs. serendipity, Babs calls her "my girl - Pollyanna to the very end." Steph winks and responds, "It's only the end if you want it to be." She swings off into the sunrise, thinking to herself one last time: "Here we go." Behind the Scenes: Bryan Q. Miller posted his Director's Cut comments at DC Women Kicking Ass here: SPLASH. What I’d like to call a “classic” Pere montage page (think the Road Home thug fight or the helicopter page from 23) – Batgirl swinging through the night (or in a swan dive); Batgirl fighting thugs; etc. Basically, a page that in a very movie poster way celebrates everything that’s great about our girl. Heroic. Your own version of the cover to this very issue. If this were the movie poster of what the series has been so far, how would you do it? That’s what this splash is. SPLASH. BACKGROUND: Floor-to ceiling windows look out over the perpetually pinkish-purple night sky of Neo-Gotham (ref. Batman Beyond). The BAT SIGNAL slices up through the sky. FOREGROUND: ADULT STEPHANIE (35, shorter hair – maybe use the Carey Mulligan cut below as ref.). She’s a hot mom, putting an adorable RAVEN-HAIRED BOY to bed. He’s maybe 5. A few futuristic looking toys scattered about. Maybe the Wayne-Powers tower in the distance, too. WEDDING BAND ON HER FINGER. SPLASH. ADULT STEPHANIE is in a Beyond-version of NIGHTWING’S SUIT. But instead of the simple blue shoulder/chest design, it’s a glowing, purple one. She’s got a domino mask on, a smile on her face. Purple hard-light Nightwing sticks to match the chest stripe. Same hair as in the child’s bedroom. Miller also posted about the future visions a bit here: