| - __NOEDITSECTION__[[Category:Year of Death - ]]
- Przyjaciel i nauczyciel Sun. Nauczył ją języka angielskiego, co znacznie ułatwiło jej komunikację z resztą rozbitków na wyspie. Jae był także jej kochankiem, lecz zostało to udaremnione przez ojca Sun. Niedługo po tym, popełnił samobójstwo wyskakując z okna swego apartamentu (stało się to spotkaniu z Jinem, podczas którego ten miał go zabić)
- Jaeson "Jae" Lee is a stunt performer, stunt double and stunt actor. He portrayed Cavanaugh in the first season Arrow episode, "Trust but Verify" and Kenny in the forth season episodes "Green Arrow" and "The Candidate". He has doubled for Karl Yune.
- Jae Lee is a South Korean-born American comic book artist who illustrated Dreamwave's Transformers/G.I. Joe crossover. He is not related to Pat Lee or Jim Lee. He is related to June Chung.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jae Lee Real Name Jae Lee First publication Unknown
- Jae Lee is a comic book artist currently living in the United States, but was born in South Korea. He moved to the US with his parents in 1977 and started his career in comics in 1990 with Marvel Comics, becoming the youngest professional artist ever to work for a major comic book company. Since then, he has mainly produced comics with Marvel, but branched out in 1993 to Image Comics to produce his own series, Hellshock.
- Jae Lee é o filho rico do dono do Hotel Seoul Gateway. Ele é o diretor geral do hotel. Ele esteve em Harvard e estudou Literatura Russa Medieval, aonde ele encontrou e se apaixonou por uma mulher americana. Ele conheceu Sun em um encontro arranjado pelas famílias, mas não estava interessado sexualmente nela, por causa da sua recente paixão, que aparentemente fracassou e foi a razão para ele deixar a América. Ele foi quem ensinou inglês para Sun.
- Jae Lee is a Harvard University graduate who studied Medieval Russian Literature, he is also a Hotel Manager living in Seoul, South Korea. While he was at Harvard he met an American woman and fell in love, when Jae returned to South Korea, he had plans to return to the United States and marry her.
- Known for his dark and gothic yet photorealistic style, Lee came to prominence in the comics field as the artist of The Inhumans for a very critically acclaimed miniseries by Marvel Comics in the 2000s. He subsequently worked for a wide range of titles at Marvel, but has also worked for other major comics companies such as DC Comics and Image Comics. Jae Lee is of Korean descent.
- Jae Lee es el hijo del dueño del hotel Seoul Gateway y fue gerente del mismo. Estudió literatura medieval rusa en Harvard y allí conoció y se enamoró de una mujer norteamericana. Conoció a Sun en una cita arreglada por sus familias, pero le dijo que él no estaba interesado porque todavía seguía enamorado de la mujer americana, cuya relación aparentemente fracasó. Así comenzó una amistad entre ellos.
- Jae Lee ist der reiche Sohn von dem Besitzer des Seoul Gateway Hotels und der Generaldirektor des Hotels. Er hat Harvard besucht und dort Russische Literatur des Mittelalters studiert. Dort hat er auch eine amerikanische Frau kennen gelernt und sich in sie verliebt. Er trifft Sun bei einem von den Familien arrangierten Date, erzählt ihr aber, dass er aufgrund seiner vorherigen Liebe, die offenbar gescheitert ist, nicht interessiert sei. („“)
- He attended Harvard and studied Medieval Russian Literature, where he met and fell in love with an American woman. He met Sun on a family-arranged date, but told her he wasn't interested because of his previous love, which apparently failed. ("...And Found") He taught Sun English (at her request), and ended up having an affair with her. He gave her a strand of pearls and asked her to leave for America with him. ("The Whole Truth")
- Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Jae Lee (이재혁) era il ricco figlio del proprietario del Seoul Gateway Hotel e direttore generale dell’albergo. Dopo poco, Jae Lee si suicida gettandosi dal balcone della propria camera d’albergo, precipitando per molti piani e schiantandosi proprio sulla automobile di Jin, stringendo nella mano il bracciale di perle che aveva regalato a Sun. ("La ballerina di vetro")
- Jae Lee (이재) was de rijke zoon van de eigenaar van het Seoul Gateway Hotel en de manager van het hotel. Hij zat op Harvard en studeerde Middeleeuwse Russische Literatuur, waar hij verliefd werd op een Amerikaanse vrouw. Hij ontmoette Sun op een geregelde familiedate, maar hij vertelde haar dat hij niet geïnteresseerd was vanwege zijn vorige relatie, die waarschijnlijk was mislukt. ("...And Found") Hij leerde Sun Engels (op haar verzoek), dat eindigde in een affaire met haar. Hij gaf haar een parelketting en vroeg haar met hem mee te gaan naar Amerika. ("The Whole Truth")
- Jae Lee est le fils du riche propriétaire du Seoul Gateway Hotel qu'il administre. Il a fait ses études à Harvard où il a étudié la littérature Médiévale Russe. Il y est tombé amoureux d'une femme. Il a rencontré Sun suite à un rendez-vous arrangé par leurs deux familles. Alors qu'elle semblait l'apprécier, Jae Lee lui a parlé de l'Américaine qu'il comptait rejoindre et donc de l'impossibilité pour eux deux de commencer une relation. (Retrouvés...)