| - Name: Ruby Eye Shabranigdu / Demon King of the North / Shaby / S / Lord Ruby Eye Gender: Genderless, assumes a male form Age: As old as his multiverse Classification: Primal evil, Demon Lord Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, and durability, energy manipulation, flight, illusions (Can project an image of himself which can interact with the physical world as if it was real), non-corporeal, teleportation of himself and others, shapeshifting, possession, sound manipulation, skilled swordsman and battle tactician, regeneration (low godly), matter manipulation, time manipulation, dimensional manipulation, cosmic awareness, soul manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, reality warping, magic, mind manipulation, immortality (Types 1, 3, and 4), petrification, abstract
| - Name: Ruby Eye Shabranigdu / Demon King of the North / Shaby / S / Lord Ruby Eye Gender: Genderless, assumes a male form Age: As old as his multiverse Classification: Primal evil, Demon Lord Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, and durability, energy manipulation, flight, illusions (Can project an image of himself which can interact with the physical world as if it was real), non-corporeal, teleportation of himself and others, shapeshifting, possession, sound manipulation, skilled swordsman and battle tactician, regeneration (low godly), matter manipulation, time manipulation, dimensional manipulation, cosmic awareness, soul manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, reality warping, magic, mind manipulation, immortality (Types 1, 3, and 4), petrification, abstract Attack Potency: Multiverse level (But less than Darkstar) Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ Stamina: Infinite Range: Multiversal Standard Equipment: None Intelligence: As old as his multiverse, possesses cosmic awareness Weaknesses: None
* Any power used by a Mazoku but with a greater effect and control.