| - The Kirodrome (Russ. Киродром, Finn. Kirodromi) is a large sports complex in the outskirts of Kirov, in Uralica. It actually comprises multiple buildings. The largest of these is a dual arena specifically designed for speed skating, with the western half being devoted to short-track speed skating and the eastern half to long-track speed skating. The northernmost building is a gigantic indoor skate park for skateboarders, inline skaters, and BMX bikers, and is the building most frequented by the public, however it has also given a certain legitimacy to these "extreme sports" within Kirov and Uralica on the whole, that it should be included in a sporting complex. There are also large indoor and outdoor velodromes, where the Uralican national Olympic track cycling teams train. The outdoor velodromes are only open from the beginning of March to the end of October because of the weather, but the indoor velodromes are open year-round.