Atlantis 4: The Battle Revolution is a 2015 American computer animated adventure comedy film directed and co-written by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Based on the line of Lego construction toys and comedy, the film tells the story of Roddy (Hugh Jackman), an talking dog, American Awealthy that are thrown by companies for Sid on the travel and historical figures. A talking one prophesied to save the universe from the tyrannical Lord Business (Ferrell).
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| - Atlantis 4: The Battle Revolution is a 2015 American computer animated adventure comedy film directed and co-written by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Based on the line of Lego construction toys and comedy, the film tells the story of Roddy (Hugh Jackman), an talking dog, American Awealthy that are thrown by companies for Sid on the travel and historical figures. A talking one prophesied to save the universe from the tyrannical Lord Business (Ferrell).
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| - Atlantis 4: The Battle Revolution is a 2015 American computer animated adventure comedy film directed and co-written by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Based on the line of Lego construction toys and comedy, the film tells the story of Roddy (Hugh Jackman), an talking dog, American Awealthy that are thrown by companies for Sid on the travel and historical figures. A talking one prophesied to save the universe from the tyrannical Lord Business (Ferrell). It premiered in theaters in Noviember 6, 2015. The film was a critical and commercial success, with many critics noting its visual style, humor, voice acting, and the comforting message. He won more than $ 257 million in North America and $ 210 million in other territories for a worldwide total of more than $ 468 million.