| - Shelly de Killer es un asesino a sueldo, que fue llamado a declarar como testigo -a través de un radiotransmisor- por el asesinato de Juan Rivera, a quien había asesinado por contrato. Es el heredero de la línea de asesinos De Killer, que empezó a ser conocida en el siglo XX.
- Shelly de Killer é um matador profissional que aparece no caso Farewell, My Turnabout. é muito excêntrico e diferente do que se espera para um assassino. Ele acredita na confiança mútua entre seus clientes e ele próprio, por isso faz questão de se encontrar pessoalmente com eles. Também sempre deixa um "cartão de visitas" na cena do crime e repudia a traição. Além disso, é muito cortês e dificilmente demonstra emoções
- Badass, cool, sort of evil--but with his own morals. Shelly was a great secondary "villain" in 2-4, and the fact that he's the lowest-appearing character from this case on this list (other than the dead people) just tells you how awesome 2-4 is. He made you genuinely fear for Maya's life in a way that 3-5 didn't, he had a nifty theme song, and because of him you cross-examined a radio. What's not to like? ...er. I just realized I have Shelly on this list twice. Whoops. That's not good. Is there somebody I'm missing? Otherwise, just move everybody a spot up.
- Shelly de Killer is a witness in Farewell, My Turnabout, the fourth and final case in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All. He is one of two villains in this case, the other being his client who requested his services in the murder of Juan Corrida. Shelly reappears again in Gyakuten Kenji 2, playing a much larger role in the story.
- Shelly de Killer is the third heir to a line of assassins known as "de Killer" that first became known in the early 20th century. De killer performs his jobs calmly and with precision, and always leaves behind his calling card -- a white card with a pink seashell design on it -- so that the authorities know of his involvement, thereby preventing his clients from becoming suspects.