| - Nowadays, the victim's cell phone will invariably ring and the villain will pick it up and answer, "Sorry, she can't come to the phone right now ... she's all tied up at the moment." (Villains never get tired of this Pun. Never.) To the captives themselves, they're likely to say "I Have You Now, My Pretty" or "You Got Spunk" or some variation/combination of the two. Sometimes this is done for humor instead. For example, a character who is considered annoying might be tied up by the group simply to get that person out of the way. Of course, if that character is really cute, the intended humor might be lost a bit on some audiences. Other times, someone might be tied up humorously as the result of some mishap. For example, the US Dennis The Menace cartoon once had a scene where a seal is running amok, and at one point grabs toilet paper in its mouth and runs around the kids, wrapping them up in toilet paper. They even get gagged by apples that get knocked off a table and fly into their open mouths. When this trope is played for dead serious drama, you can expect, in many cases, very dark lighting and only glimpses of the bonds. It generally tends to be more light-hearted adventures that actually show a lot of rope. In those cases, part of the fun is often seeing the hero escape, or try to escape, the bonds, so there's a lot of emphasis on actually showing the bonds, the struggling, and the escape or rescue. When it's played for drama, the emphasis is on how terrible the captive feels, so there's more focus on facial expressions and less on the bonds.
* All Webbed Up -- when spiders (or related beings) do the binding.
* Bag of Kidnapping -- when the captive is tied in a sack.
* Banging for Help -- when a bound captive tries to make noise to get attention.
* Bench Breaker -- Instead of cutting their bindings with a Conveniently Placed Sharp Thing, they break the bench or chair they are tied to.
* Chained to a Bed -- often played for comedy... but it can just as easily be played for drama.
* Chained to a Railway -- the classic "tied to the tracks" cliché.
* Chained to a Rock -- and left to die, either by a monster or by exposure.
* Combat Tentacles -- when the tentacles pierce or hurt their victim.
* Conveniently Placed Sharp Thing -- how many captives get free on their own.
* Conveyor Belt O' Doom -- when a bound captive is placed on a conveyor belt leading to death.
* Death Trap -- what many bound captives get placed in for melodrama.
* Distressed Damsel -- a female character who gets tied up a lot.
* Distressed Dude -- a male character who gets tied up a lot.
* Gulliver Tie Down -- when the tie-ers are much smaller than the tie-ee.
* Inconvenient Itch -- A common result of being tied up in comedic works.
* Kind Restraints -- when they are tied up by their allies for a good reason.
* Mummy Wrap -- Individuals are restrained by completely or partially mummifying them.
* Putting a Hand Over His Mouth -- may be used for kidnapping purposes, some of the time.
* Tentacle Rope -- when a living thing restrains someone with its tentacles.
* Tribal Carry -- when someone is tied to a pole at the hands and feet and carried away.
* Unwilling Suspension -- when someone is bound and left dangling.
* With My Hands Tied -- a popular Badass Boast. Examples of Bound and Gagged include: