| - The Plagas Parasite (Template) The Plagas is a parasitic organism that, once hatched, begins taking over the nervous system of the host. Once it has done so, the memory and personality of the person/creature is destroyed (unless the character is heroic), but the learned abilities, skills, and instincts remain. They can adapt a symbiotic environment with a host of any species, and communicate with each other freely, under a collective consciousness. That collective consciousness has no real purpose other than reproduction until a host is found with the Willpower to govern them. The collective’s takes on the allegiances and goals of their leader. For a heroic character to resist the destruction of their memory when a Plagas matures inside them, they must succeed a Will Save against a DC of 20 minus their character level. If successful, they either become a collective leader, and they must then take the allegiances of the Plagas Collective’s master, or they atempt to be apart from the collective and must make another check every 1 hour (same DC). If a heroic character’s level is higher than the character level of the Collective’s master, they make an opposed Will check for domination.they must take a -5 pentilty if they dont carry a master plaga, but gain no bonus for having one. Template Traits The effects of the Plagas’ mutation vary greatly between organisms, being most powerful on heroic characters (Village Chief, Salazar, Saddler). These effects only take place when a Plagas reaches maturity, and more effects are possible for yet unknown creature/Plagas combinations (GM Discretion). A Plagas Host uses all the base creature’s statistics except as noted here. Note also that some features are species-specific. note: a master Plaga's only extra power is that it more easily commands the collective. Challenge Rating: Creature's HD Type: The creature’s type is as base + Plagas Host Defense: Natural armor increases based on size; Small +1, Med +2, Large +3, Huge +4, Gargantuan +7, Colossal +11 Grapple Bonus: Base +2 Attacks: Canine animals gain a cluster of tentacles that mutate from the area of the back where the Plagas main body resides, giving the creature an additional Slam attack with a reach of double their base reach. Ability Scores: Base Constitution & Wisdom +3 Skills: Retains all ranks and skills of base creature. Heroic Characters gain 1 rank in Controlled Mutation, which counts as a class skill. Controlled Mutation (Con): Trained Only Use this skill to select a mutation from the Random Mutations Table. Check: Make a check whenever you attempt a controlled mutation. The standard DC is 15, and you may attempt more than one mutation per check at a penalty of -1 per extra mutation. If the check is a success by 3 or more, the mutation(s) is/are successful with no negative side effects. If the success meets the DC, or beats it by 1-2, the character/creature gains a ‘weak spot’. When the ‘weak spot’ is damaged by a called shot, the character ignores all natural Damage Reductions and fails any affiliated Fortitude Save. If the Check is a natural 20, the creature may choose to double the effect of one of their mutations. If the check fails, the mutation(s) is/are Randomly Generated. If failed by more than 5, the mutation is horribly disfigured, and becomes a hindrance applying to the area which was intended to be improved (GM Discretion). Special: You can take 10 only if outside of combat. You can never take 20. Time: Making a controlled mutation is a Full-Round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Allegiances: Non-heroes lose all previous allegiances; all gain a new allegiance to the Collective’s master. Heroes may work towards breaking this allegiance (GM Discretion). Feats: Retains all base feats, and gains Toughness X the character’s number of hit dice. Heroic Characters gain access to Enhanced Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Speed. Enhanced Strength: You have genetically enhanced strength, not necessarily discernable by your appearance. Prerequisite: Strength 13, Genetic Enhancement/mutation. Benefit: During any roll/check where your Strength modifier applies, you may roll 1d6 and add the result to your score. You may activate this feat one time per round per number of times you’ve taken the feat, as you can take the feat multiple times, and you may apply the feat to one roll as many times as available. Special: Once a character has used an enhanced ability feat (Str, Dex, Con) a number of times equal to their Massive Damage Threshold, they make a Fortitude save (DC10) to resist becoming fatigued. Note that they may not use Enhanced Fortitude to improve these particular Fortitude Checks. The DC increases by increases by one until the character fails, and becomes fatigued. While Fatigued, they may push further, immediately making Fortitude saves (starting at DC 10 again) each time they use an enhanced ability, once they fail it, they become exhausted. If exhausted, a character may no longer activate enhanced ability feats. You have genetically enhanced dexterity, not necessarily discernable by your appearance. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Genetic Enhancement/mutation. Benefit: During any roll/check where your Dexterity modifier applies, you may roll 1d6 and add the result to your score. You may activate this feat one time per round per number of times you’ve taken the feat, as you can take the feat multiple times, and you may apply the feat to one roll as many times as available. Special: See Enhanced Strength. You have genetically enhanced constitution, not necessarily discernable by your appearance. Prerequisite: Constitution 13, Genetic Enhancement/mutation. Benefit: During any roll/check where your Constitution modifier applies, you may roll 1d6 and add the result to your score. You may activate this feat one time per round per number of times you’ve taken the feat, as you can take the feat multiple times, and you may apply the feat to one roll as many times as available. Special: See Enhanced Strength. Enhanced Speed: You have genetically enhanced Speed, not necessarily discernable by your appearance. Prerequisite: Base Speed 30ft, genetic enhancement/mutation Benefit: Character's Base Speed Becomes (Current Base Speed X 1.5) Special: You may take this ability multiple times; its effects stack. Talents: Keeps all base talents, and gains Damage Reduction 3/-, and Stamina Special Qualities: Keeps all special qualities of the base creature, and gains the following: Darkvision, Improved Grab, Low-light vision. Collective Awareness (Ex): All Plagas Hosts in a select area become aware of presences and events as soon as at least one of the group becomes aware. Elemental Damage Reduction (Ex): A Monstrous Humanoid Plagas Host has either Elemental Damage Reduction or Regeneration. With EDR, the creature gets Damage Reduction Equal to Constitution/Element. When they take massive damage from the chosen element, they become stunned for 2d4 turns. While stunned in this manner, they do not get the benefit of their damage reduction. Mature Plagas (Ex): Unless a Plagas Host has the Plagas Weakness Quality, the Plagas inside them counts as a separate creature that can attack on its own, though in most creatures, the Plagas destroys the creature’s head to expose itself, but still gains total control over the body (since the brain it had symbiosis with is destroyed). The control is not adept, however, as the creature may no longer run or attack. Partial Invisibility (Ex): In replacement for the ability to fly, Vermin Plagas Hosts gain a light-bending ability that gives them a +20 bonus to Hide checks if immobile, or +10 bonus to Hide checks if mobile. If discerned and attacked, they get a +10 bonus to defense when immobile, and +5 when mobile. This ability disengages when the creature attacks and/ or is damaged. They may re-engage it at the next turn they’re able to stand ‘ready’. Plagas Immunities (Ex): All Plagas Hosts are immune to damage based effects of both massive damage and critical damage (such as being reduced to -1HP, and taking multiple damage), and instead the creature becomes stunned for 1d4 rounds. Plagas Hostility (Ex): All Plagas Hosts have Hostile relationships toward any creature outside the Plagas Collective, which may not be improved. Plagas Weakness (Ex): Some Plagas hosts deform in mutation, so that the creature & parasite share the same HP, and/or the parasite is partially exposed on their back. A called shot to the parasite deals critical damage and ignores the creature’s damage reduction. In larger Plagas, such as Giants, the Plagas is contained within the creature, but involuntarily erupts from the creature’s back when it sustains too much damage (usu. Total Damage equal to Massive Damage Threshold). In this form, however, the Plagas retains its own HP and is resistant to Ballistic damage. Regeneration (Ex): Monstrous Humanoid Plagas Hosts gain either Elemental Damage Reduction or Regeneration. If the latter, they regenerate 2 points of damage each round per Plagas imbedded into nervous system. If they lose a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 2d4 rounds. Multiple Legs: Spidery legs spring forth from the torso granting a 10 feet speed increment to the creatures base speed. Multiple Arms: A second pair of arms grows from the creatures shoulders. Multiple Eyes: 1d4 number of eyes sprout on random locations, the creature cannot be flanked. Tentacle: The creatures gains ranged touch attack+5 up to 15ft. and a +2 to grapple checks. Massive Growth: The creature grows one size category larger. All stats change accordingly. Wings: The creature sprouts bat like leathery wings a Fly speed of 40ft. with average maneuverability Blade Claw: The creature grows a hideous claw which deals 1d8+str with a +4 to attack. Tougher Skin: The creature's hide thickens granting it a Damage Reduction of 2/--. Poisonous Spray: Inhaled DC15, Primary 1d6 Con damage, Secondary 1d6 Con damage. Acid Spit: Ranged Touch attack+5 deals 2d6 damage. Bone Spikes: The creature's skeleton breaks though the skin, creating spikes all over its body, deals 1d6 damage when grappling and any melee attack must make a Reflex Save (DC15) or take 1d4 damage. Roll twice more: Roll again for 2 random mutations. Example Plagas: Plagas type 1 Small-size Aberration Challenge Rating: 2 Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (10HP) Initiative: +2 Speed: special Defense/Touch/Flat-footed: 14/14/12 Massive Damage: 12 BAB/Grapple Bonus: +2/+2 Attacks: Melee +5 (1d6 Rake) Fighting Space/Reach: 5ft by 5ft /10ft Allegiances: Ramon Salazar, Plagas Collective Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11 Skills: None Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rake) Talents: Damage Reduction 3/-, Stamina Special Qualities: Blindsight 60ft, Destroyed by intense light Environment: Low/Artificial Light, Darkness Plagas type 2 Small-size Aberration Challenge Rating: 2 Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (12HP) Initiative: +2 Speed: special Defense/Touch/Flat-footed: 14/14/12 Massive Damage: 12 BAB/Grapple Bonus: +2/+4 Attacks: Melee +0 (2d6+5 Power Attack Bite) Fighting Space/Reach: 5ft by 5ft /10ft Allegiances: Ramon Salazar, Plagas Collective Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11 Skills: None Feats: Weapon Focus (Bite), Power Attack Talents: Damage Reduction 3/-, Stamina Special Qualities: Blindsight 60ft, Destroyed by intense light Environment: Low/Artificial Light, Darkness Plagas type 3 Small-size Aberration Challenge Rating: 3 Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (15HP) Initiative: +1 Speed: special, 20ft Defense/Touch/Flat-footed: 12/12/10 Massive Damage: 12 BAB/Grapple Bonus: +2/+4 Attacks: Melee +5 (2d4+2 Bite) Fighting Space/Reach: 5ft by 5ft /5ft Allegiances: Ramon Salazar, Plagas Collective Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11 Skills: None Feats: Improved Grab, Weapon Focus (Rake) Talents: Damage Reduction 3/-, Stamina Special Qualities: Blindsight 60ft, Destroyed by intense light Environment: Low/Artificial Light, Darkness +4 Species bonus to grapple checks Plagas (El Gigante) Medium-size Aberration Challenge Rating: 4 Hit Dice: 4d8+11 (29HP) Initiative: +1 Speed: special, 20ft Defense/Touch/Flat-footed: 12/12/10 Massive Damage: 13 Allegiances: Ramon Salazar, Plagas Collective Saves: Fort +6, Ref (fail), Will +1 Abilities: Str 0, Dex 0, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11 Skills: None Feats: Toughness X4 Talents: Damage Reduction 3/-, Stamina Environment: Low/Artificial Light, Darkness Makes Fort Save (DC10) every 13 points of damage, if succeed, retreats back into body
- Las Plagas are a breed of parasitic creatures that have appeared in Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5. Their name is derived from plaga, the Spanish word for plague. Originally, these organisms were discovered centuries ago in rural Spain by a religious society known as Los Illuminados ("The Enlightened Ones"), who used the parasites to gain new members. The Salazars - a regal family - sealed the Plaga away underground after they witnessed the parasites' effects on people.
- Las Plagas were first discovered by a religious group in Europe known as "Los Illuminados" (The Enlightened Ones) in an unknown, rural region of Spain. The cult used the Plagas as a means of recruiting new members. However, the first castellan of the Salazar family opposed the cult and sealed off access to the parasites in his castle. Centuries later, Ramon Salazar, the eighth Salazar castellan, was convinced by Osmund Saddler, the new leader of Los Illuminados, to join Los Illuminados and open the seal that concealed Plagas. The two hired the local villagers as miners to extract the parasites. Due to years of confinement, the Plagas parasites seemed dead. Some were later found fossilized (which takes hundreds of thousands of years at least, implying that Las Plagas has existed for a very long time indeed) in the rocks below Salazar's castle. However, despite this, the Plagas were still alive at the microscopic level in spores within the fossils. The miners that were excavating the site accidentally inhaled the spores which after many years gave birth to the parasites within their bodies. Since then, Saddler was able to recreate the parasites wholly, injecting them in egg form into potential hosts. Albert Wesker, controlling what was left of the Umbrella Corporation had tasked Ada Wong with retrieving a sample of the Plagas in order to help re-establish Umbrella after learning of the creatures via intercepted messages sent by Luis Sera. He had previously employed rogue US Special Forces operative Jack Krauser to infiltrate Saddler's inner circle but decided that Ada could achieve his aims via more direct action after it appeared that Saddler was not going to entrust Krauser in his confidence. Krauser kidnaps the daughter of the US President and Leon S. Kennedy is sent to rescue her, and is reunited with Ada and Krauser. He also cooperates with Luis Sera, who was being held captive for betraying Saddler. Leon kills Ramon Salazar, and looks for Ashley on an unknown island. Saddler kills Sera and Krauser fights Leon, but is defeated by Ada. Leon finds Ashley and proceeds to kill Saddler and recover the Master Plaga, but it is taken from him by Ada at gunpoint. Leon and Ashley then escape the self-destructing island via Jet-ski. Ada betrayed Wesker and gave him a fake Master Plaga, delivering the real sample to "The Organization". Wesker was not fooled by the fake however, and he was expecting the Agency to betray him. Although it delayed Wesker's plans, it wasn't long until Las Plagas began to appear in the black market. Although he never obtained a master plaga sample, Wesker and Tricell were eventually able to obtain regular Plaga and Control Plaga samples, possibly by Ricardo Irving. Five years later, within the African country of Kijuju, Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar soon encountered Plaga-infected villagers. These plaga were modified through intensive research to enhance their performance and make more effective B.O.W.s.
- Las Plagas (Spanish for "The Plagues") are enemies from the Resident Evil series. They are the agent of transformation in Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, unlike the various viruses from previous games. The humans affected are the Los Ganados and the Majini, although other life forms are affected by the parasites as well. Whereas Umbrella's viruses destroy a person's mind and body through mutations, Las Plagas are more subtle, invisibly attaching themselves to the victim's central nervous system and seizing control of their mind. Humans infested with Las Plagas, unlike zombies, retain full human appearance and speech capabilities, and seem relatively normal in both behavior and outward appearance. They also retain full human intelligence and are capable of acting collectively. Image:LasPlagasParasite.png The Plagas were said to have been sealed deep under the castle by the first castellan. This first castellan had also taken away the rights of the early Los Illuminados. When they were unearthed, they seemed to have been fossilized. However, they had actually been in a deep dormant state that had kept them alive. The memo also says that the first Ganados were uncontrolled savages, and were created from tiny spores from the mining of these creatures. The old Plagas can be seen in rock in one of the chapters in the castle. Ganados have been seen exhibiting such socially unacceptable behaviors as attacking outsiders, murdering each other, eating rotten and otherwise damaged food, and possibly committing acts of cannibalism. They also do not bother to keep their surroundings sanitary (e.g. by not cleaning their toilet facilities and beds, and leaving their food and murdered victims to rot in various places, such as in barns and in their dwellings). It is unclear if these behaviors are influenced by their circumstances and orders of the person in control of the Queen Plaga, or actual personality changes in the persons infected by the Las Plagas. Las Plagas are extremely sensitive to light as they will only emerge from their respective host body at night, and even then only after the body sustains a lot of damage, or if its head is destroyed. The head of the host may either be destroyed completely and replaced by the parasite, or the parasite may emerge from the mouth or neck of the Ganado. However, due to their photosensitivity, Las Plagas can be destroyed with the use of a bright light source such as a flashbang grenade.
- Las Plagas son el agente de infección en Resident Evil 4 y uno de los agentes de infección en Resident Evil 5, totalmente diferente a los diversos organismos patógenos de los anteriores juegos de Resident Evil. Considerando que los virus creados por la Corporación Umbrella, que destruía la mente y el cuerpo de las personas a través de mutaciones, produciendo necrosis en el cuerpo del ser huésped, Las Plagas, al ser un parásito, son más sutiles, vinculándose silenciosamente al sistema nervioso central de la víctima y tomando el control de su mente. Los humanos infectados con Las Plagas, al contrario que los zombis, mantienen la apariencia humana y la capacidad del habla, y parecen relativamente normales en apariencia. También conservan su inteligencia humana y capacidad para actuar colectivamente. Esto los hace mucho más peligrosos que otros organismos, ya que son silenciosos, inteligentes y bien organizados. Cuando las plagas múltiples se insertan en los ejércitos humanos, que causan el anfitrión de someterse a drásticas mutaciones físicas y mas de sanguijuelas como en aspecto. Ellos son capaces de regenerar el cuerpo del huésped.