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- This page houses comparisons of Limbo of the Lost menu and interface art with other commercial products.
- The Menus are a big part of the Atlantica Online user interface. The Main Menu has several sub menus that drop down from it, each with multiple items.
- If you don't know any katakana or hiragana, Bistro Recipe can be confusing at first. This page explains some of the menus you come upon during your adventure.
- When you choose your character, the first option chooses your , followed by your Hypermode, then either Player or CPU. To choose a random character, put the cursor outside of the character box (DX Version only).
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- This page houses comparisons of Limbo of the Lost menu and interface art with other commercial products.
- When you choose your character, the first option chooses your , followed by your Hypermode, then either Player or CPU. To choose a random character, put the cursor outside of the character box (DX Version only).
* Stage Name - Name of the stage
* Day/Night - Time of day setting
* Time Limit - Time limit for each match. 60,120,180,240,No Limit(default) seconds
* Defense Power - Defense power mod of each character. 50,75,100(default),125,150,175,200
* Gauge Rate - Rate of at which Oyashiro/Friendship/Kakera bars charge. 50,75,100(default),125,150,175,200
* Blue Team Balloon Size - How large blue team's balloon can get before blue team loses. 40,60,80,100(default),120,140,160,180,200
* Red Team Balloon Size - How large red team's balloon can get before red team loses. 40,60,80,100(default),120,140,160,180,200
- The Menus are a big part of the Atlantica Online user interface. The Main Menu has several sub menus that drop down from it, each with multiple items.
- If you don't know any katakana or hiragana, Bistro Recipe can be confusing at first. This page explains some of the menus you come upon during your adventure.