| - {Neutral} It's southwest of town, not far from the quarry.
- {A sad memory / Sad} One day, a day I'll never forget, I see Danny's boat pulling up with his crewmen all shouting and carrying on.
- {Aloof, a little condescending. You don't think the player is going to last a day here.} Just so you know, mainlanders don't last long here.
- {Friendly} It's only right you get paid for your troubles. Here's 200 caps for you.
- {Neutral} National Park campground. It's pretty much straight west of here.
- {A bit spooked and paranoid / Nervous} Remember, the island's always watching. Be careful out there!
- {Reassuring / Friendly} Certainly! And you'll get more, but not until the story's done. Rest assured, we're almost there.
- {Defiant, I'll show you / Irritated} Hah! That's the same mistake everyone makes! It lulls you into a false sense of security, and just when you let your guard down, bam! It strikes!
- {sage advice / Concerned} Look at you, for instance. You've seen the island's dangers and survived. You've learned something valuable.
- {Anger at the man who killed your husband / Angry} Their leader was having a little target practice. Shot Danny right between the eyes. Killed him just like that.
- {Sage advice / Confident} What's more, the island learned something, too. It knows you're not some green-backed mainlander who can't tell up from down in the Fog.
- {Resolute, certain you're right / Irritated} Well I ain't fooled.
- Mainlander cleared my farm. Avenged my family! More than the rest of you ever did for me.
- {Warming up to tell a story / Friendly} I was just about to explain.
- {A fond recollection / Happy} My late husband Daniel was the best fisherman this island ever saw. He and his crew had a favorite fishing spot out by Brooke's Head Lighthouse.
- {A sly smile / Friendly} Off you go, now. My story's over, but yours? I think yours is only just getting interesting.
- {Warming up to another story / Friendly} Now, I don't have to tell you that the bonds of blood and family are strong, as strong as any a person can know.
- {From neutral towards sad, about to confront a painful memory / Neutral} But if you ask me, the strongest among them is the bond that exists between two married people.
- {Sympathetic / Apologetic} If that's true, then I'm sorry to hear it. Perhaps we'll confront our pain together.
- {Reverent / Neutral} The island knows this weapon. Oh yes. You carry this, and it'll take you seriously.
- {Grief and anger / Angry} Damn those Feral Ghouls. And damn the island for sending them after Petey!
- {Emotional, relieved and sad / Relieved} The final chapter's been written. The story has come to an end. This is a day I never thought I'd live to see. Thank you.
- {Friendly} That's right, the farm is yours. Your own little piece of the island. It'll take work to get it up and running again, but you'll have help.
- {Determined, enthusiastic / Confident} If you can take out that shell-backed devil, it'll send a message loud and clear that says the Daltons never forget when they've been wronged!
- {Impressed / Impressed} Oh, you're a quick one! Good, you'll need your wits about you, because your part in the story is filled with danger.
- {Enthusiastic, eager for revenge / Neutral} Off you go, then. The story's unfinished and there's another chapter still to write!
- {Resentment, angry and sad / Sad} He was out foraging at the National Park campground when the island sicced some feral ghouls on him. Island's a sneaky bastard when it wants to be.
- {Friendly / Friendly} I suppose I could part with a little more. Here's another 100 caps.
- I'm with you, Allen.
- {Glad to see the player safe / Happy} The hero of our saga returns triumphant! Hah! I bet the island didn't see that coming!
- {Warm, jovial / Friendly} Well, I'm a little old to leap up on a horse, but I have got something close to a treasure.
- {Bitter, vengeful / Angry} You take your time killing that Trapper. Make it hurt, the way I've been hurting since I lost my Daniel.
- {Relieved and a bit melancholy / Relieved} Then it's done. It's finally done.
- {Proud of the memory / Impressed} Grandpa bravely stood his ground, a shotgun in his hands, holding off that terror while the farm hands fled back here.
- {Fond reminiscence / Neutral} Petey was my cousin. He was a good lad, never caused trouble. He thought all those freckles brought him luck but... well, not so much.
- {Forgiving / Tired} I see. Well, you're a stranger to our island. Can't expect you to really understand what's important here.
- {Sad, bitter / Sad} Poor old Grandpa George. Torn apart by a Fog Crawler... the island hasn't got a shred of decency.
- {Thinking back with sadness / Neutral} He had a farm, little ways north of here. Lived a peaceful life, workin' the land and not causin' anyone trouble.
- {Eager to tell a story / Friendly} I thought you might say that.
- {A swelling of sadness as you confront painful memories of the death of your husband / Sad} That's why the last part of this tale is the hardest one for me to tell.
- {Pride, giving way to regret} The Dalton family was great once, but that was a long time ago.
- {Caaution and sadness / Concerned} Those Feral Ghouls come at you quick. Poor Petey learned that the hard way.
- {Puzzled, brushing off a possible insult / Puzzled} What? I don't get your meaning. Eh, never mind that.
- {Friendly} And here's another 200 caps in gratitude for your service to the great Dalton lineage.
- {Eager for revenge / Stern} You give that Fog Crawler what for, courtesy of the Daltons!
- {Enthusiastic / Happy} That's the spirit!
- {Firm agreement / Confident} Alright then.
- {Friendly / Friendly} Well, I'm glad you asked.
- {Grateful / Relieved} You certainly have.
- {Neutral} Follow the coastline to the north.
- {Neutral} I was just about to explain.
- {Neutral} It's the final chapter, in fact.
- {Neutral} Nope, only the ones the island killed.
- {A warning, note of caution / Stern} Remember, Trappers may be half-crazy from the Fog, but they still know how to use a gun.
- {Friendly / Friendly} I can agree to that. Here's another 100 caps.
- {Warm, friendly / Friendly} You're a good person, I can see that.
- {Wistful, sad / Sad} You ask anyone in Far Harbor, they'll tell you Grandpa George was everybody's favorite.
- {Spooked, paranoid} You can feel it... the island, watching you, waiting for your guard to drop.
- {Friendly / Friendly} There's no Daltons left to inherit the thing, so it might as well pass on to you.
- {Reassuring / Friendly} Well I've got something special in store that'll make it all worthwhile, I promise.
- {Muttered to self... bitter, hard-edged, but defiant} The island gets us all in the end... but it ain't got me yet!
- {Challenging the player,looking for a chance, eager to tell youth story / Suspicious} Oh, you think that now, but by the time you've heard my tale, you might not be so sure.
- {Dramatic, building up this monster / Somber} The island sent somethin' after him... a huge monster, mean as spit an' with claws to snap steel beams. A Fog Crawler!
- {Impatient, annoyed / Irritated} Haven't you been listening to anything I've said? I'm a Dalton! The island knows me! It's just waiting for me to set foot outside that gate.
- {Proud, describing a family heirloom / Friendly} This is an heirloom that's been in my family for... let me think... oh, for a least a generation or two.
- {Puffed up, proud / Neutral} My family, the Daltons, was the pride of Far Harbor for generations, even back before the war.
- {Sad / Sad} I still remember the day I heard the news about what happened to him.
- {Telling a grand , showy / Friendly} Now, on to the first chapter in our tale of vengeance! That would be the sad story of freckle-faced Petey.
- With that Fog Crawler gone, we can send some folks up there to get the place ready for you.
- {Shouting threats at the air, basically. "The island" is an imagined enemy that's all around. / Angry} It's time to settle accounts! You hear me, island? My friend here's going to even things up!
- {Sharp, impatient / Irritated} Hmph, sounds like someone forgot to pack a sense of adventure when they got on the boat to Far Harbor.
- {Impatient / Irritated} You want to take your time thinking about it, fine, just tell me when it's done.
- {Sympathetic / Apologetic} I see. I've opened an old wound. I'll just get on with the story, then.
- {Defiant / Irritated} Well we haven't all lost someone like Grandpa George, I can promise you that. A kinder and braver man has never walked these streets.
- {Grateful / Friendly} Well I hope you know how much it means to me that Grandpa George can finally rest in peace.
- {Proud / Neutral} Don't you worry about that. One thing a Dalton's never been is poor!
- {Relived but a bit melancholy / Relieved} All those lives that were lost... all those debts, finally repaid.
- {Ornery, pointing a finger / Irritated} You're that mainlander who just got here. Better watch yourself, cause this island sees and hears everything you do.
- {Hopeful / Friendly} With the stranger's help. the last living Dalton finally has a chance to avenge her bloodline once and for all!
- {Angry at the man who killed your husband / Angry} You go get that son of a bitch. You make him pay for doing the island's bidding!
- {Enthusiastic / Happy} Good, good! It's long past time those shamblers paid for what they did to Petey.
- {Scheming / SinisterSmile} But you, you're new here. It'll never see you coming.
- {Hungry for revenge / Angry} Course those ferals are still out there, waiting to kill the next poor fool who comes along. Damn shame, that.
- {Confident in the player's abilities / Confident} The island will respect you now, and that's more than I can say for most who step off the boat.
- {Proud, determined, bold / Angry} The island's been getting revenge ever since, killing us off one by one. I'm the last Dalton still standing.
- {Distant, remorseful, bitter / Stern} Trappers might look like us, but the island took their souls a long time ago. Now they're just hollowed-out madmen drifting in the Fog.
- {Melancholy at first , then trying to intrigue the player with this tale because you need his help / Neutral} I should know. I watched the island tear down the greatest family that ever set foot in Far Harbor. It's a tale of greed, blood and vengeance.
- {Sage advice / Concerned} But some things are more important than truth.
- {Relieved / Relieved} And that's it. That's the end. I can sleep easy now, knowing there won't be any unfinished business when they put me in the ground.
- {Irony. A crazy person saying something would be crazy / Neutral} Some others died when their boat sank, but we can't exactly get revenge on the ocean, now can we? That's just crazy.
- {Angry at your ancestors for their greed / Stern} It was lumber and fishing that made the Daltons rich, but they got greedy. Took too much from the island.
- {Bitter, vengeful / Angry} What kind of person just shoots a man for sport? All those Trappers can burn in hell!
- {Exaggerated drama, telling a tale / Awed} Ah, but now our story takes an unexpected turn. A mysterious stranger comes to Far Harbor, someone strong, someone capable.
- {Fierce courage / Stern} Because I'm a Dalton, and we don't run from a fight. Let the island do its worst, I'm not afraid.