| - Addly and Fiona come in with Cassie, Max, Rose, Lucy, Tess, Natalie, Neil and Jordan.Christopher tells them that his twin brother was crazy nd he had to seperate himself form him and by doing that he left Teenesee and came to Kentucky. Jason found him and took over his identy but he had been watching him for weeks. Jason killed Chiristopher and brought himself back to life and came to the Honred God and Moon Godess and Carter asks him why he didn't stop Jason.Christopher tells him that it was to late and that he believed Carter could bring himself back from the dead. Christopher came here to be safe and was hoping that Carter would come down here. Christopher tells them that he plans on killing Jason and Cordeila He asks them if they will do it with hin and Carter says he'll do it to get t
| - Addly and Fiona come in with Cassie, Max, Rose, Lucy, Tess, Natalie, Neil and Jordan.Christopher tells them that his twin brother was crazy nd he had to seperate himself form him and by doing that he left Teenesee and came to Kentucky. Jason found him and took over his identy but he had been watching him for weeks. Jason killed Chiristopher and brought himself back to life and came to the Honred God and Moon Godess and Carter asks him why he didn't stop Jason.Christopher tells him that it was to late and that he believed Carter could bring himself back from the dead. Christopher came here to be safe and was hoping that Carter would come down here. Christopher tells them that he plans on killing Jason and Cordeila He asks them if they will do it with hin and Carter says he'll do it to get the drama out of his life and the rest agree with him but Christopher wants to watch them for the first few days to see what there up to. They go back to the island to pack up there stuff. Chad comes into Carter's room and kisses him and tells him to be careful. Carter is alone in the jungle on the way to the boat when Ray comes up behind him. Ray wants to know where they stand out since he kissed him Carter tells him he really dosen't know beacuse h has three other guys and one of them a grown man. They sail back to the U.S and fly back to Kentucky and move into the new sub divison that no one lives in. The house next to Carter's is abandon and he stands by the winow while Blake kisses his next and see's a light go on in the abandon house and just assumes it's somebody in the group. Carter and Blake have sex and Carter thinks long and hard who he wants to be with and still dosen't know. The next day Chad comes over when Blake isn't there and Chad tells him tha he, Drew and Troutman are going to the school to place video cameras and microphones in her office and around the building. Carter tells him that he wants to go and they make out on the couch with Carter on top of Chad and they almost have sex but Carter's phone rings and it's Blake telling him that he's going tonight with Chad, Will, Drew and Troutman and Carter tells him that he was already invited by Chad. Blake teases Carter saying that he better not be sleeping around with Chad. At night Chad, Carter, Blake, Will, Drew and Troutman met up in the middle of the sub dvision and they go in Drew's car to a place in the woods and walk to the school. They see from the bushes Cordeila leave her house and walk down a stone path. Chad who is Clearvoyant like Chirstopher can't here what Cordeila is thinking. Troutman opens the door with his powers and they put video cameras and microphones in her room. Carter goes outside and see's Cordeila and jason walking up the stone path and jump into the bushes. Cordeila talks about giving up on Carter and the other Resurgents and Jason tells her not to give up now. When they go in the woods Carter runs into the woods and mets up with Blake, Will, Chad, Troutman and Drew and they ask him what the hell was he doing and Carter tells him that he wanted to see the school an Troutman tells him not to let little disractions distracthim and Carter tells him it wont happen again. While walking to the car Blake falls down and starts having a sezuire and he wakes up with Clearvoyance. Blake tells him that the Moon Godess marked him with it for good measures. Carter is in fear now beacuse that means Blake could read his mind and know about him and Chad. Chad fees the same way. The next day Carter and Chad met up by the swan lake in town and Carter tells him taht he's scared beacuse Blake could read his mind and find out about us. Chad tells him to not think about him when he's around Blake and Carter says it's hard not too. They kiss. That night Carter has visons of a red door. That night Carter walks around the sub divison and notcies the abandon house he goes in outta of curiosity. He starts looking around and notcies the red door which is the same one he saw in his dream. Carter opens the door and he see's doors in mid air and they fly down and hit the ground when walks on the platform with jagged edges. Carter walks to the very edge and see that he's way up in the air and lights illumante down there and he can here vocies. When calls down there the voices stop. Carter turns to leave and teh red door shutsin his face and the room starts to shake and he almost falls off the platform. He runs out of the house and back to his like nothing happend. Blake isn't at the house and Carter dosen't want to be alone so he walks to Will's house. Carter and Will talk and they make out and close to having sex but Carter is still unsure what he wants and Will stops him beacuse he wants to be with him and dosen't want Carter to be with anybody else. The next day at Swan Lake Breannon finds Carter and Carter wants to know why Breannon is bothering him. Breannon tells him that he is really sorry and begs for his forgivness. Carter accepts his apology finally and Breannon tells him that he loves him which suprises Carter and now he has five guys on his list. Carter feels like he can tell Breannon and tells him everything with Blake, Will, Chad and Ray. Breannon listens and tells him to go with his heart. Carter decides to keep them all which is wrong but he will find out who he really wants after Chirstopher kills Cordeila and Jason. Carter kisses Breannon beacuse he knows Breannon wanted him too. Carter goes to Christopher's house and demands to know when he plans on killing Cordeila and Jason and Christopher says in a few days and suddenly Cordeila walks up to the cameras and covers them up. Christopher is mad and Carter decides to leave. He sneaks to the Academy. He follows Cordeila to her office and she's happy to see him. She lets him sit down and makes him feel welcome. Carter lies and tells her that he had to fly all the way from Maine to come see her and she knows he's lying. Cordeila tells him that she is done with the Resurgents and moved to the Clearvoyants and Aeroknises. Carter asks her if she's just going to kill all the witches and Cordeila says that she's just studying the Clearvoyants and Aerokinses. It's Jason that wants the Resurgents dead espchilley his brother Christopher and that he's the one to fear now. Cordeila makes Carter leave before Jason gets her and Carter leaves and see's Jason and hides in the bushes. Jason comes in asking who Cordeila was talking too and Cordela tells him that she was just talking to herself. Carter leaves and tells Katherine and the council what happend and they tell him to not go back there. At night Carter finds an undergound tunnel that was built into a hill by Chad's house. He walks in there and with a flashlight he finds in the tunnel finds a red door. He opnens the door and finds zombies but there really the dead Resurgents that Cordeila and Jason "killed" but they brught themselves back to life. The leader of them is Venus and Cato and Carter didn't know who they were at the academy. There the oices that Carter heard and they were using a power to lift those doors. Someone named Cahd is keeping them down here and Carter can't believe it. Carter leaves and goes to Chad's house and demands to know why he's keeping all the dead Resurgents in the abandon house. Chad dosen't know what he's talking about and demands Carter to show him these "dead resurgents" Carter brings Chad to the underground tunnel and shows him the Resurgents and asks them if this is Chad and they say no. Chad asks what dose Chad look like. They describe him and they come up with Christopher. Chad comes up with a plan and they njeed to wait for Christopher upstairrs. They go and hide in one of the rooms upstairrs. Chad and Carter have sex and aftreword Carter tells Chad that he thinks he loves him and Blake is shown behind the door crying. They here the door slam open and here vocies. Chad and Carter see the person go through the red door and yank open the door. They find Blake standing there still crying. Blake says he was trying to protect the Resurgents but Christopher was going to sell them out to Jason tonight. Blake says he knows's that he and Chad have been sneaking off together and gets mad beacuse Chad stoled Carter from him and fights with him. Carter tries to stop it but they bump into him and he falls off the platform. Blake runs away. He runs to the academy where Christopher and Will is at. Turns out both Will and Blake were working for Christopher. They break into Cordeila's office where Jason and Cordeila are both in and start shooting at them killing them.