| - A species of Giant Armadillo
* They are found in Maslo
* They are worshipped by the Ayotkulakti Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Glyptodon originated in North America. A related genus, Glyptodon, reached the southern region of the modern USA about 2.5 million years ago as a result of the Great American Interchange, a set of migrations that occurred after North and South America were connected by the rising of the volcanic Isthmus of Panama. They became extinct about 10,000 years ago. The native human population in their range is believed to have hunted them and used the shells of dead animals as shelters in inclement weather.
- The Glyptodon (Greek for "grooved or carved tooth") was a large, armored mammal of the family Glyptodontidae, a relative of armadillos that lived during the Pleistocene epoch. It was roughly the same size and weight as a Volkswagen Beetle, though flatter in shape. With its rounded, bony shell and squat limbs, it superficially resembled turtles, and the much earlier dinosaurian ankylosaur, as an example of the convergent evolution of unrelated lineages into similar forms. Glyptodon is believed to have been an herbivore, grazing on grasses and other plants found near rivers and small bodies of water.
- Glyptodon (Greek for "grooved or carved tooth") was a large, armored mammal of the family Glyptodontidae, a relative of armadillos that lived during the Pleistocene epoch. It was roughly the same size and weight as a Volkswagen Beetle, though flatter in shape. With its rounded, bony shell and squat limbs, it superficially resembled turtles, and the much earlier dinosaurian ankylosaur, as an example of the convergent evolution of unrelated lineages into similar forms.
- Glyptodons, also known as glyptos, were medium-sized, shelled mammals that lived during the ice ages.
- " Toute ma vie je n'aurais pensé qu'à une seule chose, cet animal fabuleux décrit par les anciens comme l'emblème d'un monde meilleur et iconoclaste, je parle bien sûr du aaarghhh " ~Clovis dans La Bible (Testament II, Chapitre XVI, Paragraphe III, Ligne LXV, IVème porte à droite)
- Although Darwin is said to have found the first glyptodonts (the family), the first mention of the genus Glyptodon in Europe was in 1823, from the first edition of Cuvier's "Ossemens Fossiles."[3] The then unnamed Glyptodon was briefly mentioned in a letter from Don Damsio Laranaga. He had found "a femur... It was about seven pounds, and maybe six or eight inches wide", as well as part of a tail.[3] At the time, the discovery was believed to have belonged to Megatherium, a type of giant ground sloth. A man named Sellow found some carapace plates in three-foot deep clay in Uruguay four years later. That discovery only made the professors even more certain that the discoveries were of the Megatherium, since the bones of this prehistoric giant sloth were usually found in similar conditions an
- thumb|400px El Glyptodon tenía un caparazon en la espalda, como sus parientes actuales, los armadillos, el Glyptodon se protegía con su enorme caparazón, hace 2 millones de años, había depredadores como el Smilodon, el famoso dientes de sable y el Titanis, un pájaro del terror. Este animal era del tamaño de un coche escarabajo, se asemejaba a las tortugas y los anquilosaurios. Se alimentaba de hierba, plantas duras y plantas acuáticas. Tenía también una protección en la cabeza para aumentar aún más su defensa, unas garras en las patas parecidas a cascos y una cola acorazada con pequeñas espinas. Tenía la cabeza muy baja para poder acceder al agua y a las hierbas. Probablemente tenía el cuerpo cubierto de pelo. Se movía lentamente parando para pastar entre las hierbas bajas. Masticaba la co
| - Although Darwin is said to have found the first glyptodonts (the family), the first mention of the genus Glyptodon in Europe was in 1823, from the first edition of Cuvier's "Ossemens Fossiles."[3] The then unnamed Glyptodon was briefly mentioned in a letter from Don Damsio Laranaga. He had found "a femur... It was about seven pounds, and maybe six or eight inches wide", as well as part of a tail.[3] At the time, the discovery was believed to have belonged to Megatherium, a type of giant ground sloth. A man named Sellow found some carapace plates in three-foot deep clay in Uruguay four years later. That discovery only made the professors even more certain that the discoveries were of the Megatherium, since the bones of this prehistoric giant sloth were usually found in similar conditions and Cuvier had said that the genus was loricated.[3] Although some believed that the armor resembled that of the modern armadillo, the popular opinion was the Megatherium theory. It was not until Professor E. D’Alton wrote a memoir to the Berlin Academy in 1833 comparing the extreme similarities of these mysterious fossils to that of the armadillo, that the scientific world seriously considered that the pieces of carapaces and fragments of bone could belong to some prehistoric version of Dasypus. D’Alton said that “all the peculiarities of the former [Dasypus] may be paralleled to the latter [fossil pieces]”[3] He concluded that the fossils belonged to some prehistoric version of an armadillo. However, since a full skeleton was not available at the time, he said that his idea was not conclusive. This uncertainty in the fossil remains continued until a man named Dr. Lund identified the remains as a new genus in his 1837 memoir.
- A species of Giant Armadillo
* They are found in Maslo
* They are worshipped by the Ayotkulakti Source: Guide to Glorantha
- thumb|400px El Glyptodon tenía un caparazon en la espalda, como sus parientes actuales, los armadillos, el Glyptodon se protegía con su enorme caparazón, hace 2 millones de años, había depredadores como el Smilodon, el famoso dientes de sable y el Titanis, un pájaro del terror. Este animal era del tamaño de un coche escarabajo, se asemejaba a las tortugas y los anquilosaurios. Se alimentaba de hierba, plantas duras y plantas acuáticas. Tenía también una protección en la cabeza para aumentar aún más su defensa, unas garras en las patas parecidas a cascos y una cola acorazada con pequeñas espinas. Tenía la cabeza muy baja para poder acceder al agua y a las hierbas. Probablemente tenía el cuerpo cubierto de pelo. Se movía lentamente parando para pastar entre las hierbas bajas. Masticaba la comida con sus duros dientes que estaban soldados para formar una superficie moledora. Categoría:Mamíferos Categoría:Placentarios Categoría:Edentados Categoría:Armadillos Categoría:Fauna del Pleistoceno