O: ZZZZZZZZ... AHH!! Crap, I slept in. Oh, time for the SBS. Great, it started without me again!! O: Shut up!! Who cares what the hell Pura means?! (< Just woke up) O: That's a brand name. It's very popular in East Blue right now. And pretty expensive. Very high class. One shirt might cost you over 10,000 Belly. Beware of the imposter brand "DOSKO1 PANDA". DOSKOI PANDA's headquarters are located on Mirror Ball Island in East Blue.
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| - SBS Volume 14
- SBS Volume 14
| - O: ZZZZZZZZ... AHH!! Crap, I slept in. Oh, time for the SBS. Great, it started without me again!! O: Shut up!! Who cares what the hell Pura means?! (< Just woke up) O: That's a brand name. It's very popular in East Blue right now. And pretty expensive. Very high class. One shirt might cost you over 10,000 Belly. Beware of the imposter brand "DOSKO1 PANDA". DOSKOI PANDA's headquarters are located on Mirror Ball Island in East Blue.
- O: Zzzz...Hah?!!Celaka!!aku ketiduran!!Ah, waktunya untuk SBS. Uwaa!!Ternyata sudah dimulai!! O: Berisik!! Memangnya siapa yang peduli arti “Pura”!! (Baru bangun tidur). O:Itu nama merek dan saat ini sangat popular di wilayah East Blue. Harganya cukup mahal dan temasuk High Class. Harga satu T-Shirt bisa lebih dari 10 juta Berry, hati-hati dengan merek “Doskoi 1 Panda”. Kantor pusat Doskoi Panda di Mirror Ball Island di East Blue. center
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| - O: ZZZZZZZZ... AHH!! Crap, I slept in. Oh, time for the SBS. Great, it started without me again!! O: Shut up!! Who cares what the hell Pura means?! (< Just woke up) O: That's a brand name. It's very popular in East Blue right now. And pretty expensive. Very high class. One shirt might cost you over 10,000 Belly. Beware of the imposter brand "DOSKO1 PANDA". DOSKOI PANDA's headquarters are located on Mirror Ball Island in East Blue.
- O: Zzzz...Hah?!!Celaka!!aku ketiduran!!Ah, waktunya untuk SBS. Uwaa!!Ternyata sudah dimulai!! O: Berisik!! Memangnya siapa yang peduli arti “Pura”!! (Baru bangun tidur). O:Itu nama merek dan saat ini sangat popular di wilayah East Blue. Harganya cukup mahal dan temasuk High Class. Harga satu T-Shirt bisa lebih dari 10 juta Berry, hati-hati dengan merek “Doskoi 1 Panda”. Kantor pusat Doskoi Panda di Mirror Ball Island di East Blue. center
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