| - Riku is highly laid back yet he acts like a child in some aspects. Examples are when Luffy starts his shenanigans he is the first to join in playing with Usopp, Chopper and Luffy. However he is usually like the girls when it comes to Franky not impressed. Due to him growing up around many Okama, Iva and the revolutionaries. He knows how to talk to girls easily. He is also a Honorary "Okama" due to him being under Ivankovs Tutelage. He can stand Okama easily making friends with them. He found the blood donors on fishman island for Sanji. After Luffy's death his childless passed and he became more mature. This childish personality turned into a man's personality, calm collected, yet still a bit of a temper. One thing he hates above all else is perverts, exceptions being Sanji and Brook due to them being Nakama. Whenever Brook wants to see a girls panties, or Sanji going after Nami and especially Robin, he would slash at Sanji but cut Brook some slack due to their more friendly relationship. He would just punch Brook. Akira, Chopper, and Him being the only males allowed into the girls bathroom, however forced to go in their every night, due to Brook and Sanji harassing them. A thing most people love about Riku is, he doesn't discriminate between races, no matter how bad they have treated him. Only exception being the Tenryubitto. Riku is childish and serious at the same time, always having fun, but knowing when to turn it off, and be serious. It was shown that Riku can't hold his liquor. While drunk, he acts very aggressive towards others, this is shown by her behavior towards her crew mates. He also seems to have a problem recognizing people while being drunk. (Shown when he thought Chopper was a racoon dog, Akira a bell, Brook one of his dead crewmates ect. Though it takes a long time for him to get drunk. (Because of this he has been mocked by Akira).