| - Icewing Bunker is the alliance’s 2nd most southern bunker in Alterac Valley. It is found just north of Stonehearth Outpost, north west of Stonehearth Graveyard with the entrance to the bunker on the north side, facing a cliff. It is an important bunker as it stands on top of the hill guarding the Icewing Chokepoint, the first chokepoint in alliance territory which the horde must pass. Like Stonehearth Bunker, it is protected by 4 Stormpike Bowmens. There are no archers on the ground floor, all are located at the top of the bunker. The archers can often be taken out from outside the bunker by ranged horde players (hunters, priests, warlocks) - something not always possible for the horde towers due to the fact that horde towers are taller with the archers located at the top. It takes 4 minutes to fully capture and destroy the bunker. The archers will respawn after a length of time, if the bunker remains under alliance control. It is not uncommon for a few horde players to capture the bunker whist the rest of the horde players assault Stonehearth Outpost and Stonehearth Bunker - the latter clearly visible from the bunker, just at the bottom of the hill a short distance away. However, horde players attempting to capture Icewing Bunker must be aware that Stonehearth Graveyard is found just south east of the bunker, also in visible range – making the defence of Icewing Bunker relatively easy when the graveyard is under alliance control unless a fairly strong horde force is able to stall and hold them off. Because of this, any horde players that are attempting to capture bunkers solo should avoid this bunker and instead, travel further north towards Dun Baldar. However, once Stonehearth Graveyard is taken by the horde, the defences can be easily overcome.