| - Haruhi's dream about the day of her admission into Ouran High School becomes a illusionary Alice in Wonderland fantasy. Her friends try to tell Haruhi something important, but she only realizes it when in court. At the end of the dream, she meets her mom, Kotoko Fujioka, as the Queen of Hearts, who tells her to "enjoy a dream like student life." She wakes up with tears in her eyes, and sees the host club dressed up in costumes similar to the ones they wore in her dream. She ends the episode by commenting on how the host club have too much fun.
- After Kasanoda walks in on Haruhi changing, he ends up falling in love with her. He later joins the host club, but as a customer. When he insists on Haruhi as his host, the other hosts get nervous and the clients get excited. Kasanoda tries his best to tell Haruhi how he feels about her, but cannot because of his shyness, and because he would be seen as gay, since everyone else believes that Haruhi is a boy. Tamaki starts to realize his feelings for Haruhi, and just as Kasanoda plucks up the courage to tell Haruhi, she remains oblivious, and cuts him off and says that they would be great friends, causing everyone to believe that she rejected him. This depresses Kasanoda, but causes the rest of the host club, hosts and clients alike, to be moved so much that they all want to become friends with Kasanoda. Meanwhile, Tamaki still is unsure just how he feels about Haruhi, and Haruhi herself is completely oblivious to everything.
- The ailing newspaper club wants to obtain an interview with the popular host club in order to save it from being disbanded due to the lack of public interest. However, it is known that the newspaper club writes about gossip and scandals. The newspaper club president, Akira Komatsuzawa, wants to interview the host club, in particular to get information about Tamaki. Komatsuzawa believes that Tamaki is using his parents' power to control the popular students, and he wants to exploit that information to the entire student body. After the newspaper observes the host club playing outdoor children's games, they weren't not able to scoop up any evidence about Tamaki. The newspaper disbands after Kyoya had proof that they were going to publish false rumors about the host club.
- The time has come for the school's physical examinations, so the host club must find a way to protect Haruhi's secret for being a female. Their attempts, including Tamaki disguising himself as Haruhi, fail miserably until Kyoya Ootori steps in, with a doctor who promises not to reveal her secret. Meanwhile, someone accused of attempting to "make a pass" on one of the female students, Yabu, known to be a quack, is actually searching for his daughter after she and her mother left him due to financial problems. Kyoya points out that, if the man's family is really that poor, the girl would be attending Ouran Public High School, rather than the prestigious and very expensive Ouran Academy. Tamaki gives him directions, explaining that, even though he might get hurt later, it's up to him to find the truth.
- Honey gets his first cavity, and the number one rule until the cavity is fixed is no deserts or snacks. Honey attempt to try out many strategies to be able to eat a desert or a snack, but to no avail. He then takes his frustration out on Mori, who is being strict on Honey. But Honey realizes that Mori was punishing himself for not telling him to brush his teeth twice a day. A few days later, Honey's cavity is relieved, thereby being allowed to eat deserts and snacks again.
- During summer vacation, Haruhi gets a part-time job in a pension at Karuizawa. She feels guilty at first for not saying anything to the rest of the host club, until they drop in unannounced. A "refreshment" contest erupts when they realize there is only one remaining room at the pension. The owner of the pension, Misuzu Sonoda, agrees to have this contest held. Tamaki struggles to be refreshing, while Hikaru and Kaoru convinces Misuzu that they deserve to win. Tamaki plays the piano in order to gain the upper hand. However, Hikaru and Kaoru win by using their brotherly love act. When Haruhi's middle school friend visits, things take a turn for the worst.
- Kyoya, half-asleep, is dragged into a department store by the host club, who aim to study the life of the bourgeoisie, and therefore understand more about Haruhi. Kyoya notices that he is without a wallet and a cell phone, and that he was in need for something to eat. Kyoya ends up meeting Haruhi there, alone, and they find it interesting how each other views their lives. Kyoya reveals that he is the youngest of three sons of the Ootari family. Kyoya encounters a seller who is advertising fake jewelry. He has the seller arrested for doing so. Later on, Kyoya realizes from Haruhi how he and Tamaki are alike in their dedication into helping people.
- Haruhi's homeroom class, has a Halloween event, called "The Halloween Test-of-Courage Tournament", in which groups do their best to scare each other. The loser would get their face on the front page of the school newsletter, captioned "The Captain of all Cowards". The class president representative, Kazukiyo Soga, isn't so keen on this idea, as he reveals to Haruhi that he has nyctophobia, the fear of the darkness. He enlists Haruhi to help him, however Hikaru and Kaoru join the group as well. Soga then also reveals that he is in love with Momoka Kurakano, the class vice-president representative. Nekozawa and the rest of the host club decide to scare Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Soga. Haruhi and Hikaru land in an animal trap, while Kaoru and Soga are locked in a room. Kaoru contemplates to Soga about "the carriage being turned back to a pumpkin". Haruhi and Hikaru manage to break free of the trap, and they find Kaoru and Soga in the locked room. In the end, Nekozawa uses his Belzeneff doll as a silhouette to scare the homeroom class, thus labeling them "The Captains of all Cowards".
- Interested in the unknown ways of a "commoner's lifestyle", the host club makes an unannounced appearance at Haruhi's house to meet her family and see how she lives. Unintentionally, all the club members make themselves rather unwelcome, constantly commenting on how small the house is, and asking for things. Then, just as Haruhi is leaving to get food for lunch, her father, Ryoji "Ranka" Fujioka, arrives, revealing that he is a transvestite. Haruhi then leaves, and Ranka asks the host club to come with him as he follows Haruhi, partly to watch Haruhi being so independent, and partly so that he can be seen with a group of handsome boys. Tamaki then realizes how independent Haruhi is, as well as some reasons why.
- Kyoya recalls when he first met Tamaki two years ago, and how he only became friends with him due to Tamaki being the heir to the Suo family businesses. Kyoya explains his role in the Ootari family business, being the third and youngest son of Yoshio Ootori, his father. Tamaki first meets Kyoya as the class president representative of their homeroom. Kyoya initially puts up with Tamaki's odd requests, travelling all over Japan, but eventually he snapped. From that point on, however, Kyoya could be his real self in front of Tamaki and they became true friends.
- The Zuka club finally manage to rope Haruhi by kidnapping her into their academy. The host club boys and Ranka attempt to save Haruhi from Benibara, who tries to steal Haruhi's first kiss as part of a school play. Kyoya reminds Ranka and the rest of the host club that Haruhi's real first kiss was when she accidentally kissed Kanako at the school dance. The episode ends with the Zuka club chasing Haruhi around the stage, attempting to steal her second kiss.
- Benio "Benibara" Amakusa, head of the Zuka club at Lobelia Girls' Academy, chances upon Haruhi and, instantly recognizing that she is a girl, tries to convince her to join her school and her club. Convinced that Haruhi will leave them, the boys dress up as girls to show Haruhi that she could be around boys and girls at the same time. Haruhi reveals that she came to Ouran Academy for a reason, and says that she was never planning to leave for Lobelia Girls' Academy in the first place. The Zuka club girls leave, but refuse to give up, warning the club that they will be back for Haruhi.
- Hikaru gets jealous of Haruhi's middle school friend, Arai, while at the pension, after learning that Haruhi's classmate used to have a large crush on Haruhi. Kaoru pretends to be sick for the date, and instead sets up a date for Hikaru and Haruhi to try to get Hikaru to think of other people which Tamaki does not take too well. During their date, Hikaru runs off somewhere, and a thunderstorm occurs. Worried about Haruhi, Tamaki calls Hikaru, accuses his selfishness, and tells him that Haruhi is afraid of thunder, letting everyone know Haruhi's weakness. Acknowledging Tamaki's words, Hikaru sets off to find her. In the end, Hikaru apologizes to Haruhi, who is hiding under a table in a church, during the thunderstorm and comforts her while she is crying. He apologizes for the way he acted, and Haruhi thanks him. At the end, Kaoru remarks to Kyoya that Hikaru will not notice his feelings for a while, noting how absentminded he is.
- An elementary school brat, Shiro Takaoji, seeks help from the host club to win the heart of women. Renge helps develop a role for him, being a naughty type. But Shiro denounces the whole club as idiots and runs away. The host club infiltrate the elementary school, disguising Haruhi as a middle-school student and Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka as an elementary-school student. The club then discovers that Shiro has a crush on a girl who would soon be moving away. Tamaki explains to that Shiro only wants to win the heart of the girl he has a crush on, Hina Kamishiro, by joining the classical music club and playing the piano with her to make her happy. Shiro learns his part of the piano duet he was supposed to have played with her, and the host club ends up allowing Shiro and Hina to have a small concert in the host club lounge.
- Honey has a younger brother, named Yasuchika "Chika" Haninozuka. Chika is known to hold a grudge against Honey, as the two begin having several martial arts duels, however Honey ends up being the champion. It is explained how Honey quit the karate club to join the host club. It turns out the reason for Chika's grudge is that Honey eats too many cakes and yet never gains weight. In a flashback, it is revealed that Chika witnessed Honey devour three cakes for supper. This causes Chika to believe that Honey is not human. Honey apologizes to Chika for causing so much pain and suffering to him. To settle the score, Honey and Chika have their last duel, however Honey remains the champion.
- When the son of a gangster, Ritsu Kasanoda, seeks Mori for tips on how to change his scary image and gain friends, the host club immediately jumps at the opportunity to change his image, making many humorous results of their efforts. The members of the host club also frequently call him Casanova and bossa nova, as plays on his name. When he starts hanging out with Haruhi while the rest of the club continue planning on how to change Kasanoda's image, he notes on how attractive she is, leading to confusion about his own sexuality, since he believes her to be a boy. However, Kasanoda ends up discovering Haruhi's secret when he walks in on Haruhi changing.
- The host club participates in the annual school festival. Tamaki's father, Yuzuru Suo, and grandmother, Shizue Suo, turn up there. However, the arrival of Éclair, a woman who Tamaki was told to take care of by Shizue, brings an unforeseen turn of events. Tamaki ends up engaged to Éclair and the host club is declared dissolved, as of the end of the festival, at which point, Tamaki will leave Japan with Éclair. Haruhi also learns of Tamaki's history, and his entrance into the Suo family.
- The host club finds out that one of their regular customers, Kanako Kasugazaki, one of the few that skips from host to host regularly, is having trouble with her fiancé, Toru Suzushina. The group then cooks up a plan to help, involving a dance, in which the "queen" of the dance would receive a kiss on the cheek from Tamaki. However, when Kanako is chosen as the queen, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin announce that Haruhi would be giving the kiss. Tamaki realizes this will be Haruhi's first kiss and, jealous, runs to stop her and accidentally pushes her. Haruhi ends up kissing Kanako on the lips instead.
- Tamaki enlists the help of Renge in teaching Nekozawa to become the princely figure his little sister, Kirimi Nekozawa, is convinced he is. She lives her life waiting for her princely brother to save her from the monster in her house, who is actually Nekozawa in his cloak and wig, having to cover his skin and hair due to photophobia and his sensitivity to light. Tamaki and Renge help him to learn to act princely and to avoid occult references, and help him face his photophobia, convincing him that it is just psychological. Eventually this leads to him saving Kirimi from a large, unfriendly cat, since she has ailurophobia, the fear of cats. This convinces her of his bravery, despite the wig and cloak that he wears. Despite him overcoming his photophobia, he still succumbs to his sensitivity to it and collapses afterwards. This makes the host club believe that they were wasting their time, but in reality, Kirimi appears to be able to accept Nekozawa, even in his cloak and wig.