| - This is a file writen by a Fremmlin that saw the events of The Hypneegee Sighting of October 2013. The next day, this Fremmlin was found dead on his apartment balcony. It appeared he was chopped up, burned, and highly decayed. This is not a hoax. Friday, October 27, 2013: Star Journal "The stars are bright tonight, I can finally see Orions belt, wow its such a clear night... Oh freaking crap! Is that Hypneegee? How is this possible, I didn't think that he was real, I thought Yassdamoiud was messing with me. Oh crap! Wait, why is he approaching that guy over there? Oh crap! Did Hypneegee kill him? Probably not, he maybe just knocked him out. Well, I should tell someone, I'll e-mail this to Weegee and Malleo, they'll help. Oh crap! he's coming towards me now, crap! Where did he go? Where is he? He just disappeared... He's right behind me, isn't he. Well, oh great."