| - Burton (ボナード Bonādo) is the boss of Chapter 1-3 of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is the first enemy to use a Wind Edge. He is the only Sword Knight boss in the game. He is a guard at the Glaive Prison and fights under the Begnion Occupational Army. When he dies, he threatens that the escaping prisoners they will be rendered fugitives.
- Burton is a fictional character from Zoids: Fuzors. He is an antagonist and for the majority of the series, and a member of Savage Hammer.
- Even though Burton is mostly for buying high-end items, half of the Rockford Hills City Hall is located in Burton, towards the southeast. The rest of Burton is mainly just shops and businesses. Burton also comprises the most centrally located Los Santos Customs store in the entire city. Its surroundings - including Carcer Way - have been considered one of the most violent areas in Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto Online, mainly due to its huge popularity among players.
- A myth parallel of the Arabian Nights. IW136
- Ensign Burton was a 24th century Human member of Starfleet. In the 2370s, he was assigned to the security department on board the USS Excalibur-A. On New Thallon, he suffered a head injury. (NF novel: After the Fall)
- Later, in Loc Muinne, the witcher chances upon Burton once again and engages him in one last fistfight.
- Jest to dzielnica słynąca z dużej ilości sklepów w swoim obrębie. Na terenie dzielnicy znajdują się Rockford Plaza, Los Santos Customs, Penal Colony, Uniwersal Uniform, Swallow i wiele innych sklepów. W Burton – podobnie jak w Alcie – mieszka głównie ludność średniozamożna oraz znajduje się kilka bloków mieszkalnych. Dzielnica graniczy od północy z Zachodnim Vinewood, od południa z Vinewood, od wschodu z Altą i z Rockford Hills od zachodu.
- Burton was officially started in 1977 in Londonderry, VT, by Jake Burton. According to the company's website, the business originated in Jake Burton's house. "The barn was production, upstairs a warehouse, the dining room was an office, the living room was the factory showroom." Through the effort of Jake Burton, the company and the sport quickly spread. An office was set up in Innsbruck, Austria. Later, in 1995, Burton became a multinational company when they opened an office in Japan. In 2002, three Burton riders won medals in the Olympics.
- Burton es un barrio comercial en Los Santos que aparece en Grand Theft Auto V. Está bordeado por Vinewood Oeste al norte, el Centro de Los Santos al sur, Alta al este y Rockford Hills al oeste. Está basado en Beverly Grove en Los Ángeles.
- Burton (サルモンテイ, Sarumontei en japonés y Monty en inglés) es un vecino mono (langur posiblemente) de personalidad gruñona.
- miniatur|Karte von Burton Burton ist ein wohlhabender Einkaufsstadtteil vom Los Santoser Stadtbezirk Vinewood in Grand Theft Auto V, der auf Beverly Grove, Los Angeles basiert. Der Stadtteil hat eine eigene Stadtbahn-Station, die Burton Station.
- The US Army's best fighter, Burton is a highly trained bred-for-war super soldier, equipped with a state of the art rifle, and trained for demolitions. At his best he could easily take out an entire base, or decimate enemy armor columns with a few well placed shots.
- thumb|Burton (2370) Burton dient als Besatzungsmitglied der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) unter dem Kommando von Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Sie ist die Mutter von Eric Burton, der mit ihr zusammen an Bord des Schiffes lebt. Im Jahr 2370 ist sie zusammen mit ihrem Sohn in einem Korridor des Schiffes unterwegs, als sie auf Counselor Deanna Troi und Botschafter Loquel treffen. Loquel ist fasziniert von Burtons Sohn, da seine Spezies keine Kinder kennt. (TNG: ) Im selben Jahr ist Burton beim Bankett zu Ehren der Cairn im Zehn Vorne zugegen und unterhält sich mit einem Kollegen. (TNG: )
- Crewman Burton was a Human Starfleet command division officer in the late 24th century, who was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D. Burton passed Counselor Troi's office when Commander Riker entered it to check the crew evaluation report. (TNG: "Man of the People" ) In 2369, Burton passed Montgomery Scott and Geordi La Forge in a corridor outside one of the Enterprise-D's shuttlebays in civilian wear. (TNG: "Relics" ) She walked past Captain Picard when the captain met Professor Richard Galen in the science laboratory. (TNG: "The Chase" )
- Burton had fought in the First World War. He once hunted Buffalo in Africa. When he ran the Shangri La Holiday Camp in 1959, the staff called him "Major" as a sign of affection and he kept his old army sabre in his office. He took in the Nostalgia Tours group that had accidentally landed there, mistaking them for another group that he had been expecting. The Seventh Doctor tried to convince him to evacuate the camp as the Bannermen were moving to attack them. He was unconvinced until the Doctor showed him the inside of the TARDIS.