Arktos ist ein legendäres Pokémon vom Typ Eis/Flug. Arktos hat eine Anfangsfreundschaft von 35, ist von der Spezies Eis und hat eine Fangrate von 3.
Arktos hat keine weiter Entwicklungsstufen.
Helios & Selene
Sometime before the 2020s he met a Tau'ri who came to the Urson planet and the Tau'ri taught him English. He and the other Urson originally welcomed the peaceful Tlak'kahn refugee's to their planet. However, when they saw how technologically advanced they where they began to fear them. Thinking they might take over. Arktos led the Urson to fight the Tlak'kahn. Arktos agreed to peace after this and then brought fish sticks to trade for the Tlak'kahn's crops.