| - |-| 2= "Tengan: Ghost! Mega Ulord!" ―Transformation announcement with Mega Ulorder |-| 3= " I am Edison...Edison! Are you Edison? No, you're not!" ―Edison's only words when summoned from Eyecon Driver G Edison Damashii (エジソン魂 Ejison Damashī, lit. "Edison Soul") is an alternate yellow electricity-based form of the themed after Thomas Edison, the famed American inventor whose most notable and remembered contribution to history was his creation of the first commercially successful electric lightbulb. Accessed through the Edison Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Inventor (ペルソナインベンター Perusona Inbentā) helmet with the Face Light-bulb (フェイスライトバルブ Feisu Raitobarubu) face-plate. While it is mostly used by Kamen Rider Ghost, it can also be used by other Riders. While assuming Edison Damashii, a Kamen Rider dons the Sparking Hood (スパーキングフード Supākingu Fūdo) adorned with the Filament Shaft (フィラメントシャフト Firamento Shafuto) where they are able to conduct electricity and use it to charge up their weapon for electricity-based attacks, as well as "spark" some thought into them whenever the Sparking Hood receives electrical stimuli. Specter used it following the Edison Ghost Eyecon's theft when he, as Specter Nobunaga Damashii, used the Omega Spark finisher to blast Ghost Edison Damashii out of his Rider Kick and transformation, then stamp on the Rider's wrist when he tried to grab the Eyecon. Given how the Eyecons contain sentience, it is unknown why Edison betrayed Takeru. Later, during the battle with Jabel, Ghost is once again able to assume Edison Damashii after getting the Edison Ghost Eyecon back. During the battle with Kamen Rider Necrom, Ghost lent his Edison Ghost Eyecon to Specter so he could use it to change into Edison Damashii and use the Gan Gun Hand in Gun Mode to paralyze Necrom. As one of the 15 heroic souls, Edison Damashii's power is also channeled through the Grateful Damashii which is accessed by Ghost via the Eyecon Driver G, appearing on Grateful's Armor Sublime as the EdiSonic Shoulder (エジソニックショルダー Ejisonikku Shorudā). Manifesting as a body, the Edison Ghost fights with his weapon of choice being the Gan Gun Saber Gun Mode