| - Wishology is a three hour, essentially a three part, Fairly Oddparents movie that aired in 2009. It may be the longest movie ever produced for the Fairly Oddparents. The movie contains examples of:
* All There in the Script: In the early drafts of Wishology, the Eliminators were created by the Darkness from the rockets that the Turbo Thunder's people fired into it.
* Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Timmy manages to gain the help of Crocker, Dark Laser, and Vicky by promising them, respectively, to let Crocker see his fairies, to let Dark Laser destroy him when the crisis is over, and to give Vicky twenty bucks.
* Big Bad: In the first two parts, The Darkness appears to be this. However, in the third part the The Lead Eliminator is revealed to be the actual villian.
* Almost Ki
| - Wishology is a three hour, essentially a three part, Fairly Oddparents movie that aired in 2009. It may be the longest movie ever produced for the Fairly Oddparents. The movie contains examples of:
* All There in the Script: In the early drafts of Wishology, the Eliminators were created by the Darkness from the rockets that the Turbo Thunder's people fired into it.
* Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Timmy manages to gain the help of Crocker, Dark Laser, and Vicky by promising them, respectively, to let Crocker see his fairies, to let Dark Laser destroy him when the crisis is over, and to give Vicky twenty bucks.
* Big Bad: In the first two parts, The Darkness appears to be this. However, in the third part the The Lead Eliminator is revealed to be the actual villian.
* Almost Kiss: This continually happens with Timmy and Trixie in the third part. First he mistakenly kissed Mark Chang, then Dad, followed by Jorgen.
* Big Damn Movie: As stated it may be one of the longest movies produced in FOP history.
* Calling the Old Man Out: In the final scenes of the third installment Timmy Turner does this to Turbo Thunder and Jorgen for attacking the Darkness for looking scary and not because it did anything to them
* Dark Is Not Evil: Although the Darkness was frequently attacked because it looked dark and scary, it was simply looking for friends, not trouble
* The Dragon: The Lead Eliminator in particular after he transformed into the Destructinator
* Genre Savvy: Timmy who is often portrayed as an Idiot Hero and a Designated Hero actually is fairly competent in this movie. In the first part he is completely cut off from his fairies with no access to magic and he has to find the first wand on his own In the second part, he is cut off, from his fairies and hisfamily and friends, he swallows his pride and goes to several of his enemies for help. For example Crocker may be insane but he, also, is probably the best one Timmy can turn to. He, also, contacts Dark Laser because he knows that he has a spaceship.
* Heroic Sacrifice: Both Timmy and Jorgen. In the first part of the trilogy, Jorgen magically transforms himself into Timmy to protect the boy from the Darkness and at the end of the second part Timmy sacrifices himself to protect everyone, including his sworn enemies for help
* Hoist by His Own Petard: The Destructinator at the end of part three.
* Laser-Guided Amnesia
* The Men in Black: The Military Extra-terrestrial Research facility.
* Now or Never Kiss: Between Timmy and Trixie in the last scene of the second part.
* Power of Rock: In Part 1, with an awesome guest appearance of KISS!
* The Stars Are Going Out: Mostly the first part's final scene, when one Fairy Warrior is swallowed with all the others by the Darkness, causing this trope to happen.
* Series Fauxnale: Because the movie was so unusually long and epic and there were so many changes between the original scripts and the finished product, several fans thought this was going to be the series finale. The most significant script change had Timmy's secret revealed and no Reset Button much like the Danny Phantom finale. However, it should be pointed out that all of the The Fairly Oddparents movies have a finale feel to them.
* Shout-Out: There are several. In fact, the first part of the trilogy contains a number of them ranging from The Matrix, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. In fact, Timmy Lampshades this in the second part when they're in a Star Wars style cantina, by saying, "This seems weirdly familiar" and later on stating "Okay, now I know I've seen this somewhere before. Speaking of Star Wars, at right at the begining of the third part, we have Cosmo narrating his take on of the famous "text scrawl".
* Status Quo Is God: As per usual with many of Butch Hartman's works.
* Two-Part Trilogy: Make that three.
* What the Hell, Hero?: In combination with the example of Calling the Old Man Out, Timmy does this to Turbo Thunder and Jorgen over the way they reacted to the Darkness.