| - Superman and Wonder Woman arrive at the home of Scott Free and Big Barda, as Barda nochalantly dismisses the sight of two superheroes to her neighbor across the street. Entering the house, Barda is surprised to find Batman already in there. Wonder Woman thanks her for letting them use her Mother Box, and Barda asks for a few moments to get changed so they can go. Superman, however, has no intention of letting Barda go with them, but Barda says that it's a deal breaker. Batman then opens Scott's secret equipment closet, saying he needs to borrow some of it. As Barda steps out to change, Wonder Woman tries to get Superman to get comfortable with the fact that Barda is coming, but Superman is anything but happy. He partly blames Batman and Wonder Woman for Kara's kidnapping. A furious Wonder Woman reminds Superman that many of Amazons, including Harbinger, gave their lives defending Kara, but Superman counters that this situation wouldn't have happened if it had been Donna Troy or Jason Todd. The three allies look as if their ready to come to blows when Barda steps in, ready to leave.
Using a boom tube, the quartet arrives on Apokolips. Everyone knows their plans, but Superman reminds them that Kara is leaving with him. Batman reminds Superman that everyone is going home, and to prepare for anything. As the two leave Barda asks if they know what they're getting into, and Wonder Woman doesn't know. Heading to the colloseum, the two heroines battle the Female Furies, killing Stompa, but Barda is soon captured. Granny Goodness offers Wonder Woman a choice: surrender, or Barda dies.
Elsewhere, Batman is discovered by a pair of demon dog riders, but manages to lose them by collapsing an archway onto one. Finally, he reaches Darkseid's armory, discovering Hellspores, powerful bombs which burn their way from the surface of a planet to the core, leaving a firepit. With five hundred in here, there is no way Apokolips would survive. As he uses the mother box to begin reprogramming them, the other Demon Dog breaks into the armory. Placing Scott's backpack over his head, Batman is swallowed whole.
Superman has made his way to Darkseid's palace. A swarm of Suicide Jockeys try to eliminate him, but they do no damage to the Man of Steel. Breaking into the palace, he makes his way to the throne room, finding Kara with Darkseid, and demands Darkseid release Kara. Darkseid announces that Kara is free to leave whenever she wants, assuming that she does. As Superman tries to take Kara with him, she attacks him savagely, saying that he knows nothing about her, then driving him into the floor. Still seated on his throne, an impressed Darkseid commands Kara to kill Superman.